The container throughput of 122 million TEUs China Merchants Port hits a record high

2020 is a year in which China’s port industry is facing severe tests. It will face both the impact of the raging global COVID-19 pandemic and the severe challenges of changes in the global economic landscape. China Merchants Ports will face difficulties, turn crises into opportunities, and implement precise policies with results. Significantly, container throughput gradually recovered after bottoming out in March. It turned negative for the first time in June and reached new highs in the second half of the year. It bucked the trend and hit a new high of 122 million TEUs, an increase of 7.8% year-on-year. Among them, the terminals in Mainland China completed 85.76 million TEUs, the ports in Hong Kong and Taiwan completed 7.14 million TEUs, and the overseas terminals completed 28.78 million TEUs; the annual bulk cargo throughput was 450 million tons.

In 2020, China Merchants Port aims to "promote the spirit of Shekou, implement national strategies, and become world-class". It will fight the epidemic with one hand and production with the other. Its multiple terminals will overcome difficulties, seize opportunities, and expand the supply of goods through multiple channels. New markets, new achievements in history.

Shenzhen's western home port: seize opportunities and outperform the market

Thanks to the alleviation of the domestic epidemic, the business volume of China Merchants Port's Shenzhen Western Port Area has recovered significantly in the second half of 2020. The historical record of container throughput has been set again throughout the year. The container throughput was 11.84 million TEUs, a year-on-year increase of 3.6%. Shenzhen's total growth rate of 3.0% in Hong Kong; of which 11.11 million TEUs were completed in foreign trade, a year-on-year increase of 2.7%. To achieve such results, seizing development opportunities is the key. The western port area of ​​Shenzhen has used multiple channels to solicit cargo sources and expand markets, maintaining a stable bulk cargo supply situation. Container liners from all over the world berthed as scheduled and were loaded and unloaded smoothly. A series of combined measures, such as advance declaration and reloading of whole ships, have promoted a large increase in exports in the western port area of ​​Shenzhen; in terms of imports, the development of sources of goods has increased. On the whole, business in some areas has been affected by the new crown epidemic. But the container throughput still keeps growing.

The container throughput of 122 million TEUs China Merchants Port hits a record high

Zhanjiang Port Group: Increasing against the trend, the volume of a variety of goods hit a record high

Zhanjiang Port Group has achieved rapid growth in domestic trade container volume and sea-rail combined cargo volume through the China Merchants Port’s north-south collaborative network. At the same time, it is committed to expanding regional transit and increasing the development of return cargo sources. The container throughput has completed 1.22 million TEUs, an increase of 10.0% year-on-year ; The throughput of bulk and general cargo was 90.87 million tons throughout the year, and the completed volume of major cargoes such as iron ore and grain hit a record high. In the new crown pneumonia epidemic and the turmoil of the international trade situation, it maintained growth against the trend, and its production reached a peak again, which provided an excellent answer to consolidate the status of China Merchants Port's bulk cargo home port and build a strong regional port.

The container throughput of 122 million TEUs China Merchants Port hits a record high

Shantou China Merchants Port: The growth rate of container throughput ranked first in the country, and the profit doubled

In 2020, the container throughput exceeded 1 million TEUs for the first time, a significant increase of 39.6% against the trend, and the growth rate ranked among the top coastal ports in the country. Its annual profit is expected to double year-on-year, exceeding its annual production and operation target. The throughput of Shantou China Merchants Port has achieved a new leap in history and joined the ranks of million TEU port enterprises, mainly due to the basic stability of the domestic container source market for domestic trade. After the second phase of the Guangao Port Area is put into production, the advantages are obvious. The company's overall cooperation trend is good, and the volume of transit containers has increased. The port's containers have entered a new stage of large-scale development, and the port's service capabilities, regional influence, and competitiveness have reached a new level.

The container throughput of 122 million TEUs China Merchants Port hits a record high

Overseas: Double-digit growth in container throughput and integrated operation of overseas home ports

In 2020, China Merchants Port will join the 8 newly acquired terminals through Terminal Link, which will increase the container throughput of overseas terminals by 38.1% year-on-year. It is worth mentioning that the overseas home port Colombo International Container Terminal (CICT) and Hambantota Port Project (HIPG) built by China Merchants Port in Sri Lanka have achieved integrated operation, achieving coordination in many aspects such as operation, equipment, finance, and epidemic prevention. , Ensuring the efficiency and quality of operation and operation, and both Hong Kong and Hong Kong have achieved growth against the trend. Among them, the annual container throughput of CICT increased by 1.9% year-on-year, and the throughput of HIPG bulk cargo increased nearly 1.5 times. Brazil’s new crown epidemic is facing a serious test. TCP actively fights against the epidemic and seizes the rare opportunity of sustained growth in local agricultural exports. Container throughput increased by 7.4% year-on-year.

The container throughput of 122 million TEUs China Merchants Port hits a record high

In the face of multiple severe tests in 2020, China Merchants Port dared to face the difficulties, and resumed production in the fight against the epidemic, working hard and achieving new historical growth in its business. In 2021, the people of China Merchants Port will strengthen their strategic determination, continue to inherit the "China Merchants bloodline, Shekou gene, and Hailiao spirit", not forgetting their original aspirations, drawing blueprints, bravely shouldering their missions, steadily moving forward, and contributing to becoming a world-class company Make unremitting efforts.