SOC Containers vs COC Containers

“SOC Containers vs COC Containers

What is a COC container?
COC means “”Carrier Owned Container””. The shipping company itself owns these shipping boxes. In this case, most of the control is in the hands of the operator. The shipper shall abide by certain rules and regulations established by the carrier regarding the timing and use of the container.
Any form of delay or damage to the equipment will make you liable. The COC brought two of its most damaging charges – demurrage and demurrage. If left unchecked, they can exceed the value of your actual shipment.

What is a SOC container?
SOC containers are mostly rented by the cargo owners themselves, and then sign an agreement with the shipping company to rent the shipping company’s space, in order to reduce the container fee and other expenses incurred by the use of the shipping company’s containers. Although using SOC boxes, shipping companies charge less sea freight, but some shipping companies will refuse to accept such boxes. In short, the success of booking has a certain relationship with the shipping company.

What is the difference between SOC and COC?
SOCs and COCs are often physically the same, sharing a designation such as a CSC license and an Approved Continuing Examination Program (or ACEP) certification. The only difference between a SOC and a COC is which party owns and is responsible for. Containers owned by the shipper belong to the shipper and are continually reused to ship the same product.
Containers owned by the carrier belong to the carrier or logistics company and are leased to consignees who do not have their own containers. After delivery, the COC is returned to the carrier, who then leases it to other customers. On the other hand, the SOC is returned to the shipper, who must store and maintain it independently of the carrier.

Benefits of COC
COCs are typically used for standard shipments on routes with high cargo traffic. If the carrier has enough boxes, there is little incentive to use your own containers. Using COC becomes economical if end-to-end movement is paid fairly at the same time.
Once they are returned, there is no need to worry about the containers as it is not the shipper’s responsibility.
Using a COC container is much simpler, just pay the carrier “”full”” freight to ship the goods.
COCs allow for higher freight discounts, especially on shipments originating from high “”surplus areas””, as shippers help carriers save some money by exporting their shipments using their COCs.

SOC benefits
SOC containers are an excellent source that can help expedite the supply of goods between countries without delaying shipments until the container is returned before the goods are unloaded and unloaded.
SOC helps avoid unexpected demurrage and demurrage charges that can rise into the hundreds of dollars if loading times, customs clearance, towing, port congestion, etc. are not considered in advance.
People can source their own goods on request, especially in remote areas far from the hinterland, where containers are either unavailable or much more expensive.
You can also choose to buy or lease containers according to your own needs or according to current needs.

Carrier-owned container
It is owned by the carrier or shipping company. Here, some costs have to be paid, especially demurrage and detention. They are mainly used for the import and export of goods, but can also be used for the storage of goods. They decide the availability of the container after payment, so it is the carrier’s responsibility.

Although the two types of containers have marginal advantages over each other, these containers are an important asset that helps the shipping industry generate huge revenue. The container goes through several steps between the loading point and the destination. Each of these interactions complicates the process and increases costs during the movement of goods. But people should always seek what works for them and their needs are met.

SOC vs COC: Who wins?
When choosing between SOC and COC, SOC Containers tend to win more votes. This is because of several advantages offered. SOC Box gives its owner full rights to make any decisions about the box, shipping and other matters.
It allows complete control, flexibility and freedom. Not only will you save on costs, but additional penalties like demurrage and detention will be waived. You can ship anywhere you want without worrying about boxes being unavailable during peak seasons. A one-time purchase can pay you for years.”