Stop Off Fee: The Ultimate FAQ Guide

In this guide, you will find all information you’re looking for about stop off fee.

So if you want to learn more about this freight term, read this guide.

What Is A Stop Off Fee (SOF)?

A stop-off fee (SOF) is usually an additional charge for trucks if your shipment is split into two or more stop-overs during the deliveries from its original destination.

The stop-off charges typically appear on your invoice as the designation charges.

Who Pays For Stop Off Fee?

Stop off fee is supposed to be paid by the owner of the shipments before being delivered to their destination.

The receiver should pay the fee at the right time to enable their goods or products to get to them at the right time.

When Should You Pay For The Stop Of Fee?

Well, you should pay your stop-off fee before the goods are realized for the deliveries. After payment, we will immediately communicate to you when to expect your goods and at what time you will receive them.

Is Stop Off Fee Mandatory For My Shipment To Be Delivered?

Yes, the stop-off fee is usually mandatory for all clients. These will enable us to cover stall allowance, fuels, and in case of damages.

At times you may not notice the stop-off fee since it is included in the pick-up fee or delivery charges. It might be a hidden cost under the above two.

What Type Of Products Requires Payment Of Stop Off Fee?

We do not have specific products that we charge for the stop-off fee. All products will be charged so long as they have various destinations. The only thing we do is have different categories of products that will need other cars and trucks to make deliveries.

Call our customer care to guide you in case of any doubts on your side.

Can You Get A Receipt For Stop Off Fee Payments?

Yes, we issue receipts for every transaction. We will give you a permit only after payment is made for the stop-off fee, which will act as proof when receiving your goods.

The receipt will also act as evidence in case of any damages that you need to claim from us.

How Will I Know My Stop Off Fee?

The stop-off fee is calculated according to kilometers and the number of stopovers to be made during the deliveries.

You will give us the location of the deliveries, calculate how many kilometers to the location, and then give us the charges for your stop-off fee.

What Happens To My Stop Off Fee If I Change The Address?

Well, we do not have problems when you decide to change the address. You will inform us about it, and we will update on our systems,

If the address change is far from the previous one you gave us, we request you to top up your stop of fee as per the calculations.

On the other hand, if the address changed is closer, and it comes out that you have paid the extra cost, we will calculate the kilometers and refund the balance to your account.

Will There Be Extra Charges After Stop Off Fee Payment?

No, we do not have any extra charges that you will be requested to pay. The cost that we give you for the stop-off fee is the only on-time payment that needs to be done.

Unless you decide to change the location of the deliveries on the way, you will need to communicate to our team and send you an approval receipt for the change of location.

How Long Will It Take To Receive My Shipment After Payment Of Stop Off Fee?

After clearing your payment for the stop-off fee, it will take 1-5 days, depending on your location.

But we will communicate to you the exact date and time your deliveries are supposed to be received.

Will You Refund My Stop Off Fee If I Don’t Receive My Shipment?

Yes, we will do a 100% refund if you do not receive your shipment.

But it’s a rare case since we truck all deliveries done by our company till the final destination.

Just contact us immediately you have noticed your delivery time is over and no products have been delivered to follow up with the team.

Are There Any Penalties For Late Payment Of Stop Of Fee?

Yes, of course, there is a penalty for late payments of the stop-off fee. This is because of the storage space.

By delaying paying the fee, you inconvenience other clients who will need to use the space.

This is why we will charge you a penalty of 10% of your stop-off fee.

Is It Possible To Truck My Shipment When I Have Cleared My Stop Off Fees?

Yes, it is possible to track your shipment after clearing your stop-off fee. On the receipt at the right, we do provide a tracking number.

You will be required to log in to your account if you have one.

If not, sign in afresh. You will be requested for your tuck number and details as per where the shipment is and how the truck moves until it gets to your location.

Which Mode Of Payments Can You Use To Pay For The Stop Off Fee?

Okay, we use the following as our mode of payments for sop of fee,

  • Debit cards
  • Cheque
  • Credit cards
  • PayPal
  • T&T
  • Wire transfer

At Tj chinafreight, we offer perfect shipping solution to any global destination.

Contact us now for all your freight forwarding services from China.

Integrated Tariff Of European Union: The Ultimate FAQ Guide

In this guide, you will find all information about integrated tariff Of European Union.

So, keep reading to learn more.

What Is The Integrated Tariff of the European Union?

It’s a multilingual database that merges all procedures that concern the European customs tariff, commercial and agricultural legislation.

What Are The Importance Of TARIC?

Benefits of TARIC include:

  1. It eases the process of collecting statistics measures in the EU
  2. It clearly states the actions or steps to be taken whenever they import or export goods into or out of EU
  • Digital TARIC data avails accurate information to the national administration of the EU. This information is later used in customs clearance
  1. It ensures all member states are treated the same

What Does The Integrated Tariff Of The European Union Contain?

TARIC consists of:

  1. Nomenclature of territory codes used on different data elements of the custom clearance
  2. The supplementary unit
  • Goods nomenclature and additional codes
  1. The EU codes used in data element as document produces, certificates, and authorization

How Can I Find The Classification Of Products On the TARIC Website?

First thing first you need to log into the TARIC website. On the homepage choose TARIC consultation. There are two main ways you can search the nomenclature code of a given product.

  1. Let’s start with the simpler one- use the textual search in ‘advanced search’ here you can search a code by typing in a clear description of a certain product.
  2. Flip through the different sections of the nomenclature: click on ‘Browse’ then next to  ‘Goods Code’, click then on the specific section of the goods nomenclature for example  Section S: milk products you will see the chapters,

Continue clicking on the suitable section you will see 4 digits heading. Flip through until you find a code that suits your product description

Do You Need TARIC Code Import/Export Goods Within EU?

Not really.

You only need a TARIC code when importing or exporting goods outside the EU.

TARIC code helps the receiving customs body to process and handle your goods correctly.

What Does CN Mean?

Combined Nomenclature is a tool with 8 digits that is used to categorize products in such a way that it meets the common customs Tariff and External trade statistics.

It’s also used in statistics within the EU trade.

The 8 digits are divided into 2: the first 6 digits represent the HS code and the last two represent the CN subheading. Each subdivision is referred to as a ‘CN code.

The CN subheading consists of:

  1. Goods description
  2. preliminary provisions-it includes the rules of goods classification
  • additional section
  1. conventional duty rates
  2. supplementary units
  3. tariff-related annexeslike agriculture chemistry and a special coding system

Can The Integrated Tariff Of The European Union Help You Know Duty Rates?

Yes, it can.

Tariff classification helps determine the rates of customs duties.

You can find duty rates of specific products on the website just click the goods code and key in the country of origin you will see the results together with applicable measures.

However, these duty rates are not applicable if you are exporting goods to a third county.

What Should I Do In Case Of Inconsistency Between Published Legal Acts And TARIC Website?

In case you detect or encounter any difference between the TARIC site and the legal act published in the official journal of the EU, it is an exception.

Legal act is a priority Immediately report to the

How Does CN Code Of A Product Compare To TARIC Code?

As earlier discussed, Combined Nomenclature (CN) is a tool used to categorize products to in meets the common customs Tariff and External trade statistics.

It has 8 digits. The first 6 are HS codes the last 2 represent CN heading.

TARIC code on the other hand is an EU standardized custom identifier.

It has 10 digits the first 6 digits represent the HS code, the other 2 represent CN and the last 2 are stand for the TARIC code. The 10 digits combined to form the TARIC code.

TARIC codes differ from country to country. TARIC codes change on January 1st of every year however the change can happen randomly sometimes without a notification from the EU commission.

TARIC code contains information on the exchange of goods in other markets.

Is There Difference Between HS Code And TARIC Number?

Yes, there is.

Harmonized System is a 6 digit word that is used by the World Customs Organizations to classify their products from customs.

These digits are classified into 3 that is; the first 2 represent a chapter of goods, the other 2 digits represent the heading and the last 2 digits stand for the subheading of a product.

TARIC number has 10 digits as discussed above.

HS code is part of the TARIC code while TARIC code is not part of the HS code.

What is TARIC Number?

This is a number that categorizes goods internationally. It’s used in customs to declare goods, data collection, and calculate duties.

For any questions or import needs from China, contact Tj chinafreight now.

Zone Rate: The Ultimate FAQ Guide

Shipping charges depend on the geographic locations. Zone Rates or zone pricing are charges that companies have to pay when they are shipping outside of their designated zones.

Zones are big geographical areas that help to calculate the total distance of a shipment.

Understanding zone rates and how they work is not easy. In today’s article, we will talk about how zone rates work and how companies can offer free zone shipping.

What Is The Zone Rate?

Zone rates are one kind of freight rate. Zone Rate or zone pricing is based on how many geographical areas a shipping cargo has passed to finish the delivery.

If the delivery takes more zones to drop off delivery, then the freight rates also increase.

For instance, postal ZIP codes can be used as the basis of zone Rate. This can also be called the shipping cost.

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Zone Rate?

It is important to note that zone rates can differ from one geographical location to another.

The longer it takes to ship, the more money it will cost.

But they are very important in the shipping World. Here’s some pros and cons of zone rates.


  • Zone rates help to separate customers according to their geographic locations.
  • Zone rates allow you to pay transportation costs easily so that you don’t get mixed up with other charges.
  • Due to zone rate, Shipping charges are now very low. So companies can offer free shipping.


  • Zone rates are different in different places.
  • Distant customers chose to prefer the closest shipping services to them.
  • It’s an extra charge and keeping track of all the zones and different zone rates is very difficult.

How To Use Zone Rate In Your Business?

You can use zone rates in your business to gain more revenue. Here’s some useful strategies on how to use zone rates in your business.

1. Analyze Your Customers:

When your business is making strategies for zone rates, make sure to use all the data so that you can make proper zone rates for shipments. Analyze all the data of your customers. You can not charge too much or too little. Learn about how much your customers are willing to pay.

This can depend on various factors like the income of your customers, cost of living and if there are other companies that can offer the same services at less prices. This can help to attract more customers

2.  Analyze Your Competitor:

After you analyze your customers’ database, you need to consider your competitor.

Learn which companies are offering the same services as yours and how much charges they are taking? Understanding your competitors can help to improve your business.

3. Use Item-specific Strategies:

You need to make different strategies for different zone prices. Mass retailers or specialty retailers used item-specific strategies for implementing zone rates.

For example, basketball equipment is more popular in the USA but not in India. So the zone rates will be much higher in India.

Customers have high price awareness on specific key value items (KVIs).

This can influence their perception of store value and customer traffic. Items that have less price awareness cannot be charged with higher shipping rates.

For instance, products that are popular among the customers sometimes have discounts and other offers on them, but products with less influence do not get any discounts on them.

Their prices remain the same.

Zone rate strategies will help to categories the specific products and can follow a different zone rules than others.

4. Use Technology For Handling Problems:

When you have created your strategies for zone rates implications, you need to execute the strategies.

There are many technological tools that can help your pricing teams to solve any problem regarding prices. It can also help you to track your zones and their rates easily.

What Are Some Examples Of Zone Rate?

Here’s an example that will give you a better understanding of zone rates.

For example, have you ever wondered why shoe industry suppliers sell the same brand of shoe to different retailers at different prices?

The reason is quite simple because the price varies from one location to another.

If one pair of shoes in L.A costs around 20 dollars, then that same pair of shoes can cost around 25 dollars in Taxes.

That is because of the zone rates. Zone rates are subject to change due to various factors like transportation costs, additional fees, etc.

How Are Shipping Zones Calculated?

Zone rates are based on different zones.

These zones are calculated using different methods. Usually, the zone starts from where the items will be shipped from.

So even if there are two different shipping origin points and their destination is the same, yet they can have different zone rates.

For instance, if the shipments are from San Francisco to Kansas City, then your shipping zone is zone 7. And if the shipments are from Texas to Kansas City, then your shipping zone is zone 4. Zipcodes are one of many tools to understand zone rates for your shipping.

Can Shipping Zones Affect The Revenue?

The answer to this question is yes, zone rates can affect the shipping cost.

The further your shipping location is, the higher zone rates will get. In other words, if you are shifting from a far place, then you may have to pay more for your shipments.

Shipping companies use geographical zones to create zone rates for their specific services. Many companies like USPS offer a flat rate for every zone.

Even though if you are shipping your package from a far place, your zone price will remain the same.

However, there are many services that do not offer a flat zone rate like Priority Mail Express, Bound Printed Matter, USPS Retail Ground, and Priority Mail.

You can also visit their website to see which services have flat zone rates i.e., First-Class Mail, Library Mail, Media Mail, and USPS Marketing Mail.

Which Shipping Services Have No Zone Rates?

Nowadays, companies offer free shipping nationally and internationally. Almost every company has free shipping options in the checkout section.

 There are many shipping companies that offer flat zone rates for their services. Companies like USPS offer flat zone rates for their First-Class Mail, Library Mail, Media Mail, and USPS Marketing Mail services.

How Can Companies Offer Free Shipping Without Any Zone Rate?

Nowadays, almost every shipping company offers free shipping to their customers globally.

It is a very common strategy for E-Commerce businesses that not only attract more customers but also can increase their revenue.

Companies that offer free shipping usually have a minimum order amount. It forces customers to buy more. That way, companies earn more revenue. That is why they can offer free shipping.

Can You Reduce Zone Rate?

Many companies provide discounts on shipping charges and other transportation fees.

So there is a way to reduce zone rates.

Or you can just ship from your nearby shipping services so that you don’t have to pay extra zone rate charges for your shipment.

Does Weight Of The Items Affect Zone Rate?

Weight of your package can actually affect the cost of the shipping.

If you are shipping heavy items from one place to another, the shipping charges can change based on the weight of the items and its destination.

Zone rates can be higher if your package is heavy.

What Are The Zone Rates Of USPS?

USPS has different zone rates on services like Priority Mail Express, USPS Retail Ground, Bound Printed Matter and Priority Mail.

For example, as per 2021 zone rates USPS Priority Mail cost $8.10 in Zones 1 & 2, $8.58 in zone 3, $9.21 in zone 4, $10.43 in zone 5, $14.80 in zone 6.

What Are The Zone Rates Of FedEx?

As per 2021, FedEx Freight zone-based rates and additional pickup and delivery charges for shipments within the contiguous U.S. are bellow:

Zone 101: For packages weighted 1-150 pounds, the minimum rate is 385$ and for packages weighted for than 150 pounds is 421$.

 Zone 102: The minimum rate of 1-150 pounds is 409$ and more than 150 pounds is 456$.

Zone 103: The minimum rate of 1-150 pounds is 420$ and more than 150 pounds is 465$.

What Are The Zone Rates Of UPS?

UPS offers domestic next-day Mail services that have different zone rates based on the package’s size. For packages weighed 1 pound, the rates are:

  • Zone 102: 62.09$
  • Zone 103: 77.51$
  • Zone 104: 92.72$
  • Zone 105: 100.26$

What Are Zone Rate Policies?

There are zone rate policies for different geographical zones. These policies reflect the common problems of transportation costs.

There are major two zone pricing policies, 1) Point of origin price policy and 2) Freight absorption price policy.

There are three different freight absorption price policies such as 1) Uniform delivered price policy, 2) Zonal price policy and 3) Basepoint price policy.

What Are The Two Types Of Zone Rate Structure?

There are two types of zone Rate structures in every shipping company. These are namely, 1) Point of origin price and 2) Freight absorption price.

At TJ China Freight, we help you with all your shipping solutions from China.

Contact us today for all your freight forwarding services from China.

Split Shipment: The Ultimate FAQ Guide

Let’s look at the fundamental aspects you need to know about split shipment.

What Is Split Shipment?

With Split Shipment, cargo is often divided into two or more shipments and shipped via air freight.

Consequently, the shipping companies can send their goods on separate flights, leading to them arriving at different times with no loss in quality.

Why Should I Use Split Shipment Service?

Consider using split shipment services in the following cases;

  • When the goods to be shipped are too many for one flight.
  • Distribution of heavy and lighter items; this service helps ensure that each shipment’s weight is balanced.

The best time to use split shipment services is during the peak seasons.

It ensures goods get to their destinations when there is a larger crowd and less competition in the market.

Using this service ensures that items arrive on time, without any issues.

How Does Split Shipment Work?

Let us understand split shipment in detail with the help of an example.

Step 1: The sender prepares the package and fills in the necessary documentation for customs clearance.

Step 2: They will transport the package to a local customs office, where they will decide if an inspection is required or not.

Step 3: The package is sent to the agreed-upon destination, where different flights deliver it.

How Do I Know If My Items Qualify For Split Shipment?

Customs will allow split shipment as long as the total weight of all packages does not exceed 30 kg.

Where Do I Get More Information On Split Shipment?

There is a lot of information about Split Shipment on the internet. More detailed information about this service can be found on blogs, websites, and articles.

However, as a leading freight forwarder in China, we will help you get all information you need about split shipment – talk to us now.

How Do I Calculate The Split Shipment Cost Per Item?

Split Shipment cost depends on the size of your package, not the number of items in it.

The cost will depend on the total weight of your shipment, which you can calculate by adding the weight of each item together.

Example: 10,000 items (with a weight of 4oz) in one shipment will be charged at the same rate as 10,000 items (with 7oz) in one shipment.

What Are The Benefits Of Using Split Shipment?

While it may be easy to handle your Split Shipment on your own, there are some advantages of outsourcing this service.

For example:


You don’t need to worry about packing and shipping your items. You can focus on running your business while a third party handles the process for you.

Items arrive at the time desired by the customers, meaning they are more willing to order items online.


A third party will likely charge a lower rate than if you handled it yourself.


Third parties have a better experience with Split Shipment, so you can rest assured that your items will be shipped correctly.


Many of these services offer customization, such as consolidating your shipment across multiple suppliers.

  • Customer satisfaction increases in that there is no need to worry about the delivery schedule for their items.
  • Split shipment services make it easier for companies to track and trace their goods.
  • Reduced costs because shipment is made in batches.
  • As two or more shipments are transported on different flights, the shipment cost decreases for the shippers and receiver.

Is It Cheaper To Use Split Shipment Service?

Yes, it is cheaper, considering items are usually billed according to the weight of each package. Using Split Shipment is more affordable than using private cargo flights.

How Do I Avoid Split Shipment Charges?

To avoid Split Shipment charges, ensure that all items arrive at the same time. Also, make sure that your package does not weigh more than 30 kg.

Will I Be Charged More If The Split Shipment Service Sends My Packages Separately?

No, you will not be charged more for this service. Split Shipment charges depend on the total weight of all items in your package and not the number of items in it.

You can calculate this by adding up the weight of each item in your package.

How Can I Reduce The Cost Of Split Shipment?

There are several ways to reduce the cost of Split Shipment. One is by using a larger box, which will help in reducing the price per item.

  • Calculate the total weight of all items in a package, which will help you get an accurate quote for the service.
  • Ordering items from different suppliers will also help you reduce the cost of Split Shipment.
  • You can also reduce the overall weight of your package by using a thinner box or by removing unnecessary packaging.

Which Items Can Be Shipped Via Split Shipment?

Certain types of goods are eligible for this service, such as;

  • Any item that is considered high volume or hazardous
  • Fragile items or items likely to break in transit should be marked. It could be because of their weight, size, or shape.
  • Products that may be subject to damage if not handled with care and expertise.

Is The Split Shipment Service Provider Responsible If My Items Are Damaged Or Lost During Transit?

The logistics company can choose whether to claim compensation for the damaged goods based on their terms.

Do your due diligence before signing any agreement with a freight forwarder to ensure that they will be responsible for your shipment.

Split Shipment service providers should be able to follow a straightforward procedure for them to claim compensation.

In most circumstances, the responsibility is determined by what is stipulated for freight forwarders with their cargo shipment terms.

You will have to file a claim with your carrier if this happens.

How Does Split Shipment Compare To LCL Shipment?

While both LCL and Split Shipment services allow you to send your items in batches, some differences exist between the two.

LCL shipment is where a whole container of goods from different customers is consolidated into one large container.

This shipping container is then shared by several shippers, who fill the container with their goods. This shipment is then delivered to the final destination.

Split shipment, on the other hand, involves sending your items in batches without consolidating them. Each of these batches is then shipped separately to its final destination.

When it comes to pricing, however, the two services are similar.

The weight of your goods determines the final price, so it’s best to find out how much your items weigh before placing an order.

What Are The Common Reasons Split Shipment Service Providers Send Packages Separately?

It is not unusual for a package to be split into various shipments as you send them, especially if the items come from different suppliers or through separate shipping lanes.

Common reasons why you will need to send your items separately include:

  • If the item is fragile or of high value, it’s usually best to be shipped separately to protect it from damage.
  • It can also help you avoid paying excess fees since your goods will be considered individual shipments instead of one large shipment.

This can be done by using a shipping service with low minimum shipment fees.

They can also send the items in smaller boxes or packaging materials to reduce the overall weight of your shipment.

What Are The Risks Involved In Using Split Shipment?

While there are benefits to Split Shipment, it may not be suitable for all businesses. Some of the risks you need to know about include:

  • Delay: sometimes, items sent via split shipment may arrive late; this delay can result from the size of each shipment, weather conditions, and the destination country.
  • Damage/Loss: sometimes, goods handled via split shipment may arrive damaged or not at all. Peak seasons are a typical time when multiple items are being shipped at the same time.
  • Storage: if you’re using a warehouse that handles consolidation and split shipments, there may be issues with managing your goods. If this happens, some of your goods may be stored for an extended period, which means you will need to pay storage fees.

Are There Any Other Scenarios Where I Might Want Split Shipments?

Split shipments are commonly used when a package is delivered to a third party.

For example, if you’re ordering an item from one supplier and splitting it into two shipments, one to the third party and another to your final shipment destination.

Is Split Shipment Only Used For International Shipments?

The good thing about the split shipment is that it is suitable for both international and domestic shipments.

Whether you’re sending your items domestically or internationally, it’s easier to send them in batches.

Are There Any Disadvantages To Split Shipping?

Yes, some of these disadvantages include:

  • Additional costs: if you’re using multiple service providers for your shipment, be prepared to pay additional fees for the shipment.
  • Complexity: since you’re sending your items in batches, it is essential to keep track of each shipment. If you make a mistake, you could deal with severe delays and fees.
  • Inconvenience: if you’re using a third party to send your items, make sure they don’t hold the goods.

In some cases, they may receive your items but not ship them until a later date.

At Tj chinafreight, we offer affordable freight forwarding solution from Chinacontact us now for all your shipping from China.

13 Practical Tips to Help You Save on Alibaba Shipping Costs

If you are starting off an importing business, expenses are a huge deal. In order to stay afloat, you want to save money on shipping costs—and it’s a great idea! We have compiled this guide to help you manage your finances when shipping with Alibaba. Below are 13 tips to make shipping a less stressful and less expensive enterprise!

What Influences Your Alibaba Shipping Costs?

Firstly, let’s talk about what determines your shipping costs. Here is a list of the main factors:

  • Net product weight
  • Size of shipment
  • Delivery time
  • Packaging (e.g. boxes, tape, stickers, labels)
  • Human labor of processing your shipment
  • Courier services
  • Import/export fees and taxes

Targeting any one of these factors will result in a reduced Alibaba shipping cost. Now, let’s discuss the different shipping methods available. 

Alibaba Shipping Methods

There are 4 common ways of sending your shipment:

  1. Regular Post
  2. Air Express
  3. Air Freight
  4. Sea Freight

Air express is the fastest shipping method that will take 3-5 business days, while sea freight may take months. In terms of cost, sea freight is the cheapest, while air express costs the most. 

Regular post is common for drop-shipping from Alibaba, but it is possible that your package will get lost along the way or not tracked properly. However, this option is cheapest if you want to ship samples or small quantities of product. In this case, China Post will handle the shipment, and it will arrive in 15-35 days. 

Air express is shipping via DHL, FedEx, or UPS. Such courier services are reliable and fast, but they are extremely expensive, prices at $5-10 per kilogram. 

Air freight is great if you need 10-day delivery and have over 100 kg of cargo. This is when the difference in price compared to air express becomes significant; you will have to pay $4-8 per kilogram. 

Sea freight will take a long time because it is shipped by the ocean–up to 60 days. However, large containers and heavy shipments can be moved for cheap this way. Another advantage of sea freight is that you can choose between full-container load (FCL) and less-than-container load (LCL) shipments.  

FCL means that the entire container is taken up by your cargo alone. LCL means that some part of the container is taken up by your cargo, and some of the same containers hold cargo from other importers. Typically, LCL tends to be cheaper, especially if you do not have enough cargo to completely fill FCL. FCL, however, becomes cheaper by weight and volumetric units. 

The type of shipment you choose plays a crucial role in your Alibaba shipping costs—and this starts off our discussion on how to reduce them!

1. Find Suitable Shipping Method From China

As mentioned above, the delivery time, volume, and weight of your Alibaba shipment will help you decide on the best method of transporting your goods.

Sea freight is the cheapest option, but it will take a long time to ship. Train freight is another cheap option, but the price per kilogram starts to rise once the weight reaches 500kg. The same thing happens with air freight. Air express shipping can be cheaper than sea freight as long as the net weight is less than 100kg. 

Although it seems like sea freight is cheaper in any case, it is only so for large and heavy shipments. The margin between sea freight and air freight costs decreases as the weight of the shipment decreases. 

Some importers use a combination strategy to reduce Alibaba shipping costs.  This strategy involves dividing your shipment into unequal parts and using different methods of shipping for each. For instance, you can ship 5-10% of your cargo using air express or air freight, while the rest is shipping using sea freight. 

That way, you can receive more urgent shipments, as well as start making money while the rest of your cargo is in transit. Also, you can thus develop your own formula for minimizing your Alibaba shipping costs in this flexible way. 

2. Optimize Packaging Volume

Changing your packaging can greatly affect your Alibaba shipping costs in 3 main ways: size, weight, and safety. 

Firstly, make sure that your packaging does not have unnecessary empty space. For example, sometimes Amazon sends small items like nail polish in large boxes—don’t do that. You are paying for that empty space, and reducing your profits. Alibaba charges shipping costs based on the weight and volume of your shipment, so reduce the volume. 

You can reduce the box sizes so that your items fit snugly in a full box. You can also choose a more fitting shipping container. 

For FCL, there are normally 4 types of containers for your options.

  • FCL 20 feet
  • FCL 40 feet
  • FCL 40 feet HQ
  • FCL 45 feet HQ

The containers labeled with HQ are 1 foot taller than standard containers. Standard containers are designed for heavy items, such as sheet metal, machinery, steel appliances, metal enclosures, etc. On the other hand, HQ containers are designed for voluminous, irregularly shaped, or oversized items. These largely include furniture. 

You can choose the right container option for your shipment. Also, you can calculate how many items would fit into 1 container, and adjust your order accordingly. This will help ensure that you do not have to pay for a half-filled FCL. Alternatively, you can organize your shipment into an FCL and an LCL to save on costs. 

3. Optimize Packaging Weight

Another way to optimize packaging is to reduce the packaging weight. You can do that by using corrugated boxes and lightweight packing materials. 

Corrugated boxes are lighter and stronger than regular cardboard due to the small air-filled spaces between the layers of the box. As for lightweight packing material, you can use air pillows, bubble wrap, foam inserts, packing peanuts, and more. Although they add to the volume of your shipment, they increase safety and improve net weight values.

Lightweight packing practices may not seem helpful on each individual shipment, but over time, a few saved grams here and there would add up to significant savings in Alibaba shipping costs!

Lastly, you can alter your package resolution. Warning: this could be risky! Your Alibaba suppliers optimize packaging according to safety. They would not want to pay extra if your shipment gets damaged, so they sacrifice cost-efficiency. 

You can contact your Alibaba suppliers to find a more balanced solution to packaging. For instance, you can take on some risks but ensure greater cost-efficiency. 

Furthermore, if you are shipping very heavy items, you can check whether you can use carrier-provided Flat Rate shipping. It means that your rate will change depending on shipment volume, size, or weight. It is a great option to save money on large shipments. 

4. Find the Right Partners

You can improve your Alibaba shipping costs by finding the right shipping provider or drop-shipping fulfillment company. 

You can hire freight agents like Tj chinafreight to help you manage shipping, customs, and logistics most efficiently. This is especially important if you are inexperienced and are doing under 20 orders per day. In this case, the shipping could be higher than normal, so a drop-shipping company will help you. 

Try not to leave shipping management to your supplier. Although it seems like a convenient option, it is possible for the supplier to take advantage of it and overcharge you. 

Shipping costs on Alibaba and AliExpress can be disguised as item pricing by suppliers. When a supplier offers free shipping, it is possible that they are including shipping rates in the unit price. In other words, you think that you are not paying for shipment, but you are. In this case, you have no way of knowing and controlling Alibaba shipping costs, so be careful.

Finding an agency to take care of transport, door-to-door shipping, etc., is the most cost-effective option for small and medium businesses. You will have local support and a professionally supervised supply chain. 

To choose the right partner, you will have to compare costs. Firstly, don’t choose a freight forwarder offering a particularly low price. This is because they could be lying to you or their shipping may involve illegal operations, which is always risky. 

You can get a reference shipping cost quotation from Alibaba, and then contact freight forwarders about their rates. It is important to be consistent with your shipping conditions when comparing prices! You can even tell different companies the other quotations you have been given so that you can get the best deal. 

5. Check Online Tools

You can check third-party online tools to get a reference on what shipping cost to expect. These have to be unconnected to freight forwarders or your Alibaba suppliers. 

These tools can evaluate Alibaba shipping costs according to your needs and shipment requirements. 

6. Optimize Route

There may be multiple routes to ship your cargo to its final destination. To reduce Alibaba shipping costs, you may have to find the most cost-effective route.

For example, if your shipping goes from China to the US east coast, you can ship it via the Pacific Ocean and the Panama Canal, or via the west coast with further trail freight. The shipping cost will vary largely.

Similarly, you can use different ports, different rail routes, different airports, and more.

You can ask your freight forwarder to handle this, or you can figure it out on your own. Like mixing different freight methods, this is all about balancing and calculating the best course of action. 

7. Optimize Shipment Timing

There are a couple of tricks you can use to reduce Alibaba shipping costs that involve time. Generally, the more urgent your shipment is, the more expensive it will be. 

One thing you can do is increase shipping lead time. Shipping lead time is the measure of how long it will take to transport your products from the shipping port to the port of destination. The longer is your lead time, the earlier you have to place your orders to your Alibaba suppliers. Also, shipping lead time includes:

  • The time your cargo sits in the port before being loaded (up to 1 week)
  • Administrative delays at both ports
  • Other possible delays

If you increase your lead time, this will allow carriers to line up their resources to prepare to manage your shipment more efficiently. This increased handling efficiency translates into lower carrier costs. The longer you give a carrier to deliver a package, the cheaper it is for you. Also, you will be able to build a safety net in case of unplanned delays common at sea. 

Another way to optimize shipment timing is to ship on off-peak days. Shipping on peak days results in delays and increased Alibaba shipping costs. Avoiding these days and altering your shipping schedule accordingly will save you a significant amount of money.

For instance, Friday is typically an off-peak day, while Tuesday is a peak day. Also, keep an eye on various holidays celebrated in China and in the countries that you ship to. 

8. Get Insurance

Freight insurance refers to the insurance on what is being shipped. Freight insurance will pay for the loss or damage of your shipping items if there are any accidents during transit. You can discuss insurance requirements with your freight forwarder, and negotiate the best price with them.

Insurance is usually calculated by applying a certain percentage to the value of your items. Generally, the Incoterms will specify who is responsible for the insurance on the shipments. 

Sometimes, insurance is already included with the Incoterms. For example, CIF (Cost Freight and Insurance) already has freight insurance included. However, if you are using other Incoterms such as DAT, you will have to negotiate insurance yourself. 

Shipping insurance is cheap, and a typical cost is around US$50 to US$100. 

Here is a rough equation that you can use to estimate the insurance cost by yourself.

 Shipping insurance ≅ value of goods * 1.1* 0.1% – 0.3%.  

Insurance will reduce your Alibaba shipping costs and other losses in case of emergency. 

 9. Get a Customs Agent

Customs fees are very important when dropshipping from Alibaba internationally. They can vary based on product, country of import, and a lot more. You can use extra online tools to calculate customs, but you can also hire a customs agent to handle it all. 

A customs agent will not only help with taxes but also streamline customs procedures, improving your supply chain. Although shipping fees and customs fees are different, they are connected and both can be reduced with professional help. 

10. Shipment Consolidation

Another great way to reduce Alibaba shipping costs is to combine smaller quantities of goods from different suppliers into 1 large consolidated shipment. You can arrange that with your local warehouse in China. The staff will store and assemble products from various suppliers into 1 place.

You can also ask your shipping agent to consolidate multiple Alibaba purchases into 1 shipment. Because you get charged for every shipment, combining domestic shipments into a single international one ensures that you only have to pay once. 

Besides, large international shipments get reduced prices per kilogram or CBM. Consolidating your cargo helps drastically reduce Alibaba shipping costs.

If you need help, know that Tj chinafreight offers local warehouses with consolidation services. 

11. Use Custom Shipping Zones

Shipping fees vary depending on the origin location and destination location. For example, shipping to the US will be cheaper than shipping to Canada. Different countries charge different entry fees, plus shipping fees depending on the distance. 

This will help you optimize your shipping routes and develop a plan for selling your products to different countries. You can target the market of a certain country with lower shipping fees. 

You should research how much it costs to ship to your countries of interest. Then, you can charge your customers the shipping fees accordingly. You can set up shipping zones with different rates to help reduce your out-of-pocket shipping costs. 

You can also work with Alibaba suppliers that have a local warehouse in your country of destination. If your supplier’s company is large enough, they may own warehouses or warehouse space in your country. 

This could save you a lot of money on Alibaba shipping, since you may be getting the products directly from their local warehouses, and only pay for domestic Alibaba shipping costs.

12. Know Your Incoterms

Incoterms provide a universal definition for a series of tasks, responsibilities, and decisions between you and your supplier concerning shipments. You may have seen or heard acronyms like FOB, CIF, DAT—these are Incoterms. Choosing the right one will help you balance risks and Alibaba shipping costs so that you can get the best deal possible. 

By learning about each Incoterm, you can choose the one that is most suitable for your business arrangements. 

All incoterms define:

  • Cost: who pays for each part of shipping?
  • Responsibility: who handles the operations for each part of shipping?
  • Risk: when does the risk of cargo loss or damage transfer from the supplier to the buyer?
  • Instructions: what information do forwarders, brokers, or other parties involved in the shipment need to know?

Generally, FOB (Free on Board) is recommended for Alibaba shipping, while CIF and DDP are uncommon. FOB Incoterm describes that the supplier handles costs and responsibilities up until the port of origin. This means that the supplier oversees a large portion of the shipment, but the client still has some level of control over shipping costs. 

13. Offer Local Delivery or Pickup

One way to reduce Alibaba shipping costs is not to use a carrier at all. Local delivery lets customers buy your products online and have you deliver them to their homes. Alternatively, you could allow customers to come to pick up their online orders from your store. This can help you save costs on carrier services, as build a loyal customer pool for your business.

Offering local delivery services also helps you better connect with your community, improve customer satisfaction by minimizing shipment delays, and increase sales due to lower pricing for customers. 


If you already have experience in shipping with Alibaba, you can try to handle it all yourself. This is the best way to lower Alibaba shipping rates. 

This is recommended for large businesses that know their way around sales. You will be able to negotiate a fair sales quantity without making your inventory too expensive. You will have maximum control over shipping costs, allowing for a flexible and most effective approach.

Transtainer: The Ultimate FAQ Guide

In this guide, I will answer all your questions on Transtainer.

So, if you’re new to this freight term – then this guide offers a perfect solution.

Keep reading.

What Is A Transtainer?

Transtainer is a large crane known as RTG used for unloading and loading containers onto the trucks or store the containers on top of each other at the container yard.

What Are The Features Of A Transtainer?

Well, the transtainer has the following features:

  • It has a simultaneous drive motion
  • A unique Liebherr’s eight rope reeving anti-sway system
  • The structure is robust, rigid
  • It has a directly driven travel system
  • One gantry drive per comer
  • A gantry aligns steer

What Is The Importance Of Using A Transtainer?

Transtainer is usually important, with its advanced technology to load and unload containers you get to saves a lot of time and cost at the yard.

What Are The Main Components Of The Transtainer?

Transtainer has different components with it below are few;

  • A high structural steel tensile
  • Self-power trolley, which will ensure precise positioning
  • Simultaneous motions to help increase productivity.
  • Safety and performance anti-collision for improvement of safety productivity
  • The ergonomic driver cabin is designed for driver productivity and comfort in mind and also reduces fatigue.
  • A modular driver system
  • Choices of power

Do You Provide Parts In Case The Transtainer Is Broken?

Yes, we do provide spare parts for broken transtainer. In case you may require the spare parts contact our customer care to order for the parts.

What Is The Recommended Weight Capacity For Transtainer?

The recommended weight capacity for a transtainer is typically 0.5 tones to 350 tones.

What Are The Advantages Of Transtainer?

Transtainer has the advantage of;

  • It has advanced technology that helps to make work easier during loading and unloading containers.
  • Transtainer is efficient and safe with diesel engine over speed, higher water temperature indicators, overload protection and many more.
  • Operating transtainer is comfortable since it got every control system in a centralized place.
  • Transtainer is environmentally friendly since there is no noise and air pollution in the yard.
  • Another advantage is that the transtainer is usually cost-effective.

How Do You Operate The Transtainer?

Well, we generally have three methods of operating the transtainers

  • Cab control requires a professional driver specializing in cranes to drive and control the transtainer.
  • Remote control here you will also need a professional transtainer operator to control your crane using a remote control.
  • Stick control here you will need a professional operator to control the transtainer with a hand switch and walk with a travelling crane.

You will choose any of the above three methods to operate your transtainer, and our customer care is also available anytime for assistance.

What Are The Types Of Transtainers Are Available?

The following are some of the transtainer available;

  • Cable reel transtainer
  • Hybrid transtainer

What Is The Cost Of A Transtainer?

The average cost of a transtainer is $1.44 million.

What Are The Difference Between Single Transtainer And Double Transtainer?

Single transtainers are cranes used to load and unload cargo located outdoor. Its structure looks typically like a door frame, they have a single rail, as the name suggests.

On the other hand, a double transtainer has double rails or two rails, which help load and unload the cargo. The double transtainer is more advanced compare to the single transtainer.

Do You Offer Manuals For Transtainers?

Yes, we do offer manuals for all our clients.

What Are The Difference Between Low And High Profile Transtainer?

The difference between the two is that the high profile is a transtainer where the boom is hinged towards the waterside of the crane structure.

These will make it easy for the ship to navigate and the transtainer to load or unload quickly.

While lower-profile transtainer, the boom is usually shuttled over and towards the ship, which allows the trolley to load and unload.

Does Your Transtainer Have A Warranty?

Yes, our transtainers have a warrant of 20 years.

How Long Will It Take To Deliver A Transtainer?

Okay, for your transtainer to be delivered, it will take 50-60 working days from the time you place your order.

How Much Space Do You Require To Install Transtainer?

We do have unique products for different clients. You need to inform us of the size of your workshop and where you need the transtainer to be installed.

Our engineers will come up with a customized solution for you.

How Do You Pack The Transtainer?

It will all depend on the type of transtainer you have chosen. But we usually pack the transtainer body on a waterproof, high-quality plastic woven cloth.

For other parts remaining, we do pack them on a plywood box that is of high quality.

Do You Provide Professional Assistance To Help In Transtainer Installation?

Yes, we do provide professional assistance to help in your transtainer installation. We usually send one of our staff to help and supervise the installation or your transtainer.

They typically come once you have confirmed the receipt of your shipment.

Do You Have A Maintenance Guide For Transtainer?

Yes, we provide the booklet’s maintenance guide, which is usually packed inside the parts plywood box. We recommend you first read the booklet and understand it before your transtainer is installed.

What Should You Do If The Transtainer Has A Breakdown?

If your transtainer breaks down, we suggest you call us immediately to know where the problem is.

Or you might call a professional specialist of transtainer to come and check where the problem is and fix it.

For a cost effective shipping solution from China, contact Tj chinafreight now.

Toestemming TOT Wegvoering: The Ultimate FAQ Guide

If you have any question about Toestemming Tot Wegvoering, you will find the answer right here.

So, keep reading to learn more.

What Is TTW?

Toestemming Tot Wegvoering (TTW) is a Dutch term that refers to permission to release a document for imported cargo from customs supervision.

Customs authorities are responsible for granting this permission.

The European Union required you to have this document for your cargo to be considered released from customs supervision.

What Is A Toestemming TOT Wegvoering Document?

A toestemming TOT Wegvoering document is mostly used during the importation of goods. Its main purpose is to permit the release of goods from customs supervision.

Who Issues Toestemming TOT Wegvoering?

Customs officials are obligated to issue toestemming TOT Wegvoering.

Is Toestemming TOT Wegvoering Applicable To All Countries?

Toestemming tot Wegvoering is a Dutch term used specifically used when importing goods to the European Union.

However, all countries exporting to the European Union have to undergo through toestemming TOT Wegvoering.

Are There Customs Checks Between EU Countries Requiring TTW?

Yes, there are.

However, it’s worth noting that you don’t need to go through checks or customs procedures when moving goods via EU states.

Since it’s a single trade area, you can freely move your goods through Borders.

When shipping from other countries out of the European Union, your shipment will be treated the same as any other international shipment.

Therefore, you need to present all the proper documentation to import your goods.

Nevertheless, importing or exporting from the European Union has been made much simpler with a free trade agreement.

The free trade areas among the European Union states allow for a common customs procedure on shipments.

How Does Customs Supervision Work Before Receiving Toestemming TOT Wegvoering?

To understand this better, let’s first describe what customs supervision entails.

Once you import goods, customs officials take measures to ensure adherence to set legislations.

This is what is referred to as customs supervision.

That said, before receiving toestemming tot Wegvoering, goods are kept in temporary storage as they undergo custom supervision.

The facilities where goods are stored are authorized and controlled by customs authorities.

Customs officials can also direct the goods to be stored at other facilities approved by them.

During this time, the stored goods can only be taken care of to ensure they are well preserved before their release date.

This can be achieved through practices such as regulating temperatures to preserve the goods.

The importer is allowed to examine the shipment or take samples only after seeking permission from the customs officials.

The maximum amount of time for goods to be placed under customs process is 90 days following their presentation to customs.

As soon as customs authorities are done with customs supervision, they will issue toestemming tot Wegvoering document.

This document is issued to confirm that your goods have been released from customs supervision.

Custom supervision normally applies to goods that must pass through checks such as safety checks, health checks, and environmental checks.

These checks are always done before the goods are released into free circulation.

An importer is also required to have a license before goods are placed under customs supervision.

What Happens If Goods Are Not Released After Issuance Of Toestemming TOT Wegvoering?

If the goods are not released after issuance of toestemming tot Wegvoering, necessary measures are taken.

Customs officials can either decide to confiscate or sell the goods to regularise the situation.

All this is done at the expense of the declarant.

On the other hand, the goods might be neglected by the declarant after seeking permission from customs officials.

Can Goods Be Considered Released Without Toestemming TOT Wegvoering?

No. Toestemming tot Wegvoering is needed for your goods to be marked as released from customs supervision in the European Union.

At Tj chinafreight, we help you in all shipping from China to any region in the European Union.

Contact us now for all your freight forwarding services from China.

Unit Load Device: The Ultimate FAQ Guide

This guide will answer all your questions about unit loading device.

If you want to learn more about unit loading device, read this guide.

What Is Unit Load Device?

A unit load device is cargo container that is used to transport baggage and also mail on wide-body aircraft and narrow-body aircraft.

What Is The Purpose Of Unit Load Device?

A unit load device is used as containers for cargo while they are being protected to prevent movement within the hold in the flight freight.

Which Advantages do Unit Load Device Have?

Unit load device have varieties of advantages such as’

They maximize the use of the aircraft’s space when the cargo is packed.

They are key in transporting air cargo safely and quickly improving cost effectiveness.

Unit load device also allow the easy transfer of goods between the planes.

They are always tightly packed to prevent the goods from being damaged during an air freight.

Unit load device reduce time wasting since it is quick in loading and unloading process.

How Many Types Of Unit Load Device Are There?

We have two types of unit load device;

Container Aircraft.

They are normally used to give good protection against all kinds of weather.

Aircraft container prevents unauthorized access to the goods.

It also makes loading and unloading goods easier.

Container aircraft can provide a good protection against damage to the goods.

They eventually provide better protection against damage to the aircraft by the goods.

Pallet Aircraft.

Pallet aircraft is cheaper and affordable to everyone compared to container aircraft.

Oversized goods that cannot fit in container aircraft are loaded and accepted by pallet aircraft.

Pallet aircraft are stackable hence they are easy to store empty and return by plane.

Where Is Unit Load Device Used?

Unit load device is used in air freight thus they are designed for fuselage of each aircraft type hence they make loading and unloading easier.

What Is Aircraft Unit Load Device?

Aircraft unit load device is a container or a device that is used to transport goods by air hence they are designed to be restrained by the aircraft cargo.

In the late 1950s the aircraft unit load unit has been providing safety and efficient of the air transport.

Aircraft unit load device is designed to maximize the use of aircraft contours.

Aircraft unit load device such as temperature -controlled container, horse stall, cattle stall, fire resistant container facilitates the transport of special goods by air.

How Does A Unit Load Device Work?

It is either an aircraft pallet or an aircraft container that is structurally able to restrain the cargo and provide adequate protection to the aircraft system during a flight

What Does Unit Load Device Leasing Mean?

This is the process of renting the container for full container loading to enable easier documentation and easier block and bracing in the aircraft.

Which Specifications Do Unit Load Device Have?

Unit load container comes in two forms which is Containers and pallets while the exact weight limitations and dimensions will vary from the manufacturer.

Specifications include:

  • LD-1
  • LD-2
  • LD-3
  • LD-3 Reefer
  • LD-4
  • LD-6
  • LD-7
  • LD-7 With Angled Wings
  • LD-7 With Folding Wings
  • LD-8
  • LD-9
  • LD-9 Reefer
  • LD-11
  • LD-26
  • LD-29
  • LD-29 Reefer
  • LD-39
  • M-1
  • M-1H
  • M-2
  • M-6
  • M-6 (118”H)
  • M-6 Twin Car Rack
  • MDP
  • PLA Half Pallet
  • PMC/P6P Pallet
  • PNA Half Pallet
  • Demi

What is Certified and Non-Certified Unit Load Device Compare?

A Certified Unit Load Device;

Is designed and tested in accordance with the requirements where the results are scrutinized and accepted.

This is  by the appropriate aviation authority to give an approval letter to the manufacturer.

A Non-Certified Unit Load Device;

This has not been through the process of approval.

And has not received any kind of assessment of its performance standards by an appropriate aviation authority.

What Does A Unit Load Device Identifier Consist Of?

  • Containers and pallets are identified by unique combination of letters and numbers.
  • 3 leading letters define the type of unit load device.
  • The 4th or the 5th numerals are unique number allocated by the operator.
  • The 2 trailing letters show a 2 letter ICAO code which indicate the owner or the airline or the leasing company.
  • It may also carry a bar code which will usually replicate the visible IATA-standard code.

What Does Unit Load Device Stand For In Relation To Manual Handling?

Containers are typically made of lightweight structures comprising of aluminum. Extrusions, a relatively thick aluminum sheet, composite side and roof panels and metal door.

They are made as light as possible although they may get exposed to severe handling conditions.

The unit load device is specifically designed to be handled by a forklift.

At Tj chinafreight, we help you in all shipping needs from China to any global destination – contact us now.

Uitnodiging TOT Betaling: The Ultimate FAQ Guide

Let’s look at yet another important term in the import-export business – Uitnodiging Tot Betaling.

If you have any question on Uitnodiging Tot Betaling, you will find the answer right here.

Keep reading.

What Is UTB?

Uitnodiging Tot Betaling is a Dutch term that refers to the actual duties bill.

When importing goods into the European Union, you will be required to pass through customs.

Therefore, the UTB will contain calculations of customs debt for your imported goods.

Anti-dumping/ countervailing duties and import duties are included in the total amount.

It is worth noting that some national taxes are not categorized under customs debt.

Such taxes are not limited to;

  • Excise duty
  • Coal tax
  • VAT
  • Consumption tax

Nevertheless, these taxes are levied on the Uitnodiging Tot Betaling.

What Is Uitnodiging Tot Betaling Document?

Uitnodiging Tot Betaling is a document that contains the calculation of customs debt for imported goods.

It’s normally issued once a custom declaration is accepted by customs.

What is Contained In The Uitnodiging Tot Betaling Document?

The Uitnodiging Tot Betaling document contains the following details;

  • Import duty
  • Anti-dumping duties
  • Excise duty
  • VAT
  • Coal tax
  • Consumption tax

Who Issues Uitnodiging Tot Betaling?

Customs officials are responsible for issuing the Uitnodiging Tot Betaling.

Customs authorities conduct checks to know whether or not the importer is obligated to pay taxes during the importation of goods.

What Determines The Amount To Be Paid For UTB?

The amount to be paid for UTB is determined by the customs debt.

Keep in mind that custom debt is incurred only after acceptance of the customs declaration.

That said, not only does the quality and value of goods determine the amount to be paid but also the commodity code.

By commodity code, I mean the classification of the goods since some goods are free from custom duty based on their classification.

A good example would be goods being imported from another EU country.

If the goods have been manufactured in that country, you will not be required to pay customs duties.

Meaning, customs officials will not issue you with a Uitnodiging Tot Betaling.

On the other hand, if you import goods into the EU from outside the European Union you will be charged customs duty.

Importing into the EU will require you to pass your goods through customs.

Therefore, you will be subjected to pay duties and taxes before your goods are allowed for free circulation.

Once customs officials accept customs declaration, a customs debt of import duties emerges.

Afterward, a payment notification (Uitnodiging Tot Betaling) will be sent to you by customs.

To have a proper estimate of your payment, the customs duty calculator has been formulated to easily offer custom duty calculations.

How Will I Know If I Will Be Issued With A Uitnodiging Tot Betaling?

Knowing whether or not you will be issued with a Uitnodiging Tot Betaling is not quite easy. Normally, the Uitnodiging Tot Betaling is issued once the customs declaration is accepted. Customs officials assess your goods and check whether they fall under the accurate GN code.

Later, they have the final verdict on whether or not to issue you with Uitnodiging Tot Betaling.

Bear in mind, this applies to goods imported from other countries outside the European Union.

Therefore, once customs accept the customs declaration, they will send the payment notification (Uitnodiging Tot Betaling).

Is It Possible To dispute Uitnodiging Tot Betaling?

If you aren’t satisfied with the customs judgment, you can dispute UTB by filing an objection.

It’s worth noting that the custom’s viewpoint may also be inaccurate.

How Long Does An Importer Have To Submit An Objection To Customs After Receiving UTB?

The importer needs to submit a statement within 6 weeks after issuance of UTB.

Are Uitnodiging Tot Betaling Terms Similar In Every EU country?

Yes, Uitnodiging Tot Betaling terms are similar in all EU countries since custom duties and taxes are handled similarly.

Nevertheless, individual countries have their own rules when it comes to importation and therefore expect to counter that when importing to different EU countries.

When importing goods from one EU country to the other, you will not be issued with a Uitnodiging Tot Betaling.

This is because the European Union is a single trade area.

Who Takes Care Of Uitnodiging Tot Betaling?

The importer takes care of Uitnodiging Tot Betaling.

When Is UTB imposed?

UTB is imposed as soon as there’s an incurrence of custom debt. Certain goods classifications will have you be issued with UTB.

For any questions about importing from China to EU, contact Tj chinafreight team now.

Valuation Challenge: The Ultimate FAQ Guide

If you have any question about valuation challenge, you will find the answer right here.

Keep reading to learn more.

What Is Valuation Challenge?

This is basically a checkup carried out by the customs authorities when they have a reason or reasons to be skeptical about the value of your customs.

Which Documents Do You Need During Valuation Challenge?

The following export import documents are required while carrying out a valuation challenge:

  1. Bank statement- it is a printed document issued to the account holder that states the amount deposited and withdrawn from the bank
  2. Sea freight insurance policy- this is marine insurance that covers goods against risk of loss, damage, an accident like fire collision or explosion.

It’s not limited to sea only, it also covers transportation after sea say you use road or railway transport to get goods to the final destination.

  • Commercial invoice– it’s a very important document that is legally provided by the seller to the buyer.

It acts as a contract and proof of sale between the two.

  1. Sale invoice- this document acts as proof of debt.

It contains the amount the buyer owes the seller for the purchased products, the payment details like the exact date, invoice number, etc.

  1. Transport invoice- this document shows the total transport cost you owe.
  2. Purchase order- is a promise document the importer sends to the exporter stating that payment will be made on a designated date.

It contains details of the product the quality and the type.

It benefits both parties in that it guarantees the seller of payment and also the buyer is able to keep track of the order.

The promise reminds them to adhere to the agreed date.

  • Insurance invoice- this document highlights the insurance bill
  • Bill of Lading– it is a document issued by the carrier to the shipper that contains the type of a product, quantity, and the final location of the goods.

Ideally, it acts as a shipment receipt that normally goes along with your goods

  1. Export declaration- it’s a document issued in the airport that contains details of the goods that are yet to be exported.

It’s used by the customs authorities exporting goods out of the EU.

  1. Clearance order-

this document is issued when your goods meet custom clearance entry formalities hence goods can then be released from customs to the importer

  1. Direct representation- here the stated party appoints a representative like a carrier for example.

The party transfers the right of provision via a message to the representative.

The representative also carries all activities relating to declarations associated

How Does Valuation Challenge Work?

Here’s how the procedure works:

The shipment is selected among the rest for a valuation check after a physical inspection has been done.

The cargo is selected only when the customs is suspicious of the customs value of your shipment.

You will be expected to produce the documents mentioned above although you are not limited to them, to prove the value of your goods is correct.

What Is The Difference Between Valuation Challenge And Normal Customs Inspection Procedures?

There is a thin line between valuation challenge and normal customs inspection procedure ;

Mainly because they are all inspections carried by the customs authorities but there is more than meets the eyes.

A valuation challenge is a procedure done after the inspection procedure has taken place.

It’s done once the customs doubt the customs value of your cargo.

Your cargo is separated from the rest for the procedure to begin.

Inspection procedure on the other hand is a normal checkup done before goods are shipped to their destination.

This procedure verifies the quantity and quality of goods and also ensures they are free from defects and they meet the safety requirements of the final destination.

Under What Circumstances Do Valuation Check Take Place?

A valuation check only takes place when the customs authorities are unsure of the customs value of your goods.

What Is Supporting Evidence During Valuation Challenge?

Supporting evidence is what you use to show the current valuation of your goods is correct.

In this case, producing the relevant document will fully support your case.

For any questions on customs clearance or freight forwarding from China, contact us now.