Last Free Day: The Ultimate FAQ Guide

Knowing freight terms is critical when shipping from China or anywhere in the world.

A reason this guide will answer all your questions on last free day.

So keep reading to learn more.

What Is Last Free Day?

Last free day is the final day of a free storage duration when you can collect cargo from the port without incurring demurrage charges.

It also means the last free day before per diem applies on containers not been returned to the port terminal.

What Does Last Free Day Mean For My Shipment?

After the last free day passes, your shipment will be subjected to detention, storage or demurrage fees, whichever is applicable.

Demurrage and storage rent can be charged at the same time when a laden container has not been released from the port.

Detention fee accumulates for each day that the container is not returned to the port or container yard. Detention, demurrage and storage fees are cleared before the cargo is released to customers.

All these costs add to your final destination cost of shipment and can stall your shipment.

What Is Demurrage Charges? How Does It Relate To Last Free Day?

Demurrage charges is a fee charged on a container per day at the port after the free day period lapses. This fee is charged daily until the day you will collect your container from the port.

Demurrage cost can be incurred during import and export by shippers.

When importing, demurrage applies when you fail to pick your full container from the port on time.

During export, shippers are supposed to bring the loaded container at an agreed time for loading.

When they bring the container earlier than expected, demurrage applies till the day of container loading into the vessels.

How Much Does Demurrage Cost After The Last Free Day?

This cost varies per terminal and it also increases the longer the container stays at the port after free time ends.

For instance, a port may charge between USD 80- 160 per container per day on demurrage for the first 3 days.

The cost then goes up to USD 240 from 4 to 8 days and USD 480 for any day beyond 8 days.

If you delay to collect your container by 5 days beyond last free day, your cost will be as follows:

USD 160 X 3 = USD 480 (USD 240 X 2=USD 480) = USD 960 per container per day.

Demurrage must be paid upfront before container can be released by port authorities.

Therefore, scheduling your shipment early enough will protect you from incurring such extra costs.

What Is Detention In Relation To Last Free Day?

This is a penalty charged to customers for using containers beyond the agreed free days outside the shipping container terminal.

This applies whether the container is full or empty provided its not returned to the port or yard on time.

Detention fee can occur in two ways; per diem and driver detention, for equipment and driver waiting time respectively.

Does Driver Detention Relate To Last Free Day?

Not necessarily.

Driver detention is another type of detention which applies for keeping the driver beyond the free time. This fee is charged per hour for every extra hour of delay whether at the destination or pick up location.

Drivers have allocated time for loading and unloading the truck for customers.

Delaying at one point may lead to further delaying other customers and even lose money for those compensated per mile.

Therefore, driver detention acts to compensate drivers for delays caused by customers.

How Is Free Time Calculated In Relation To Last Free Day?

Free time is calculated according to the terminal port or shipping line’s set schedule.

It can start from the midnight when cargo is received at the port and ends at midnight of the last day.

For others, it starts when a container is offloaded from the vessel at the port and end after the allocated period.

Calculation, is then done as per the agreed tariff of the carrier ship or port terminal.

How Many Last Free Days Do I Get?

Normally, free days period last between 3-7 days however, this is dependent on factors like transportation, carrier, port, etc.

Full container load (FCL) offers 3-5 free storage days depending on port congestion, and less container load (LCL) gives 7 days.

Air terminals and rail ports offer 2-3 and 2 free storage days respectively after cargo is unloaded from the vessel.

Do I Need To Know The Last free Day When Shipping With A Freight Forwarder?


Knowing the amount of free days granted to your cargo will help you prepare for cargo arrival in advance.

This will ensure truckers collect and drop off your cargo in a timely manner.

Secondly, you will aware on when the days detention and demurrage charges start to apply so as to avoid further delays.

It also gives you time to get extra funds to offset the incurred fees.

Which Factors Determine The Amount Of Free Time Customers Can Enjoy?

Free time is the grace period shippers are granted to collect, load and unload and return containers without incurring any costs.

The amount of free time awarded depends on:


Port location plays a big role in determining the amount of free days it can allow as free days.

Very busy and world’s largest ports like shanghai in China and Singapore can only allow few free days, like 3 days.

This is because of the amount of cargo they handle per day from different parts of the world.

At times, they may not offer any free days thus you are charged demurrages the moment your cargo arrives.

Less busy days grant up to 7 free days because they have less cargo coming in thus less demand for space.

Chosen Carrier

Shipping lines have their own amount of free days typically between 3 to 7 days or even more.

This grace period granted allows you to unload or load and return the carrier’s container free of charge.

Busy ocean carries offer less free time before charging detention fees due to high container demands.

When shipping high volume cargo, you can negotiate with your carrier for extended free time of your cargo.

Equipment And Facility Type

Different container types have different free time period same to facility occupied by the containers.

Special containers such as reefers and open top containers have shorter free time compared to dry containers.

Special containers are delicate and have high demand compared to normal containers.

Reefers have additional expenses such as electricity for their operations and maintenance, thus are costly to hold.

Warehouse facility at the port has shorter free time compared to bonded warehouses because of the number of cargoes it receives.

How Do I Ensure Timely Processing Of Cargo Before Last Free Day To Avoid Demurrage, Detention, Storage And Per Diem Fees?

While it is hard to always avoid demurrage, detention, storage and per diem fees, there are ways to significantly reduce them.

Early Proactive Planning

Knowing all the free days allowed at the port for storage, container use outside terminal, driver free waiting time.

This will enable you plan for your shipment processing before its arrival.

Also, be in constant communication with your carrier to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Additionally, ensure you have all the required shipping documents for customs clearances like bill of lading, commercial invoice, packing list, etc.

Verify them to ascertain that they are all in order to avoid clearance delays.

Use Alternative Storage Facilities

Some port terminals can be congested due to high traffic of cargo into and out of the port.

As a result, the storage facilities may be congested and slow down clearing process all together.

Use other alternative storage facilities located near the port to fasten the clearance process before free day ends.


If you are a shipper who ships high volumes such as 500-1000 containers per year, you may negotiate for extended days.

This will protect you from unforeseen circumstances during shipment that may eat into your free period.

You can also dispatch your cargo early to allow enough time to process and clear it.

Use Expert Freight Forwarders

Planning for shipment overseas can be a complex and time consuming if you do not understand the process.

Having the right freight forwarder handle your cargo can ensure smooth flow of shipment all through without delays and fines.

Pre-clear Shipment

Check if you can preclear your cargo before arrival of the vessel at the port and notify all your agents. Shipment pre-clearance reduces the time spent at the port queueing for clearance hence ensures timely collection of cargo.

Real Time Tracking

This is having visibility of your cargo throughout the shipping process hence you can plan for, collection loading or offloading.

You are also able to see where there are delays and communicate with truck drivers in advance to avoid detention charges.

Have A Back-up Plan

In shipping there are many risks involved such as unpredictable weather conditions, system failure, route congestion etc.

These circumstances can lead to delays which can further translate to penalties.

To avoid such happenings, having an alternative carrier or using different route can help you avoid such fees.

Which Payment Methods Are Accepted For Settling Potential Demurrage And Detention Fees After Last Free Day?

Demurrage and detention fees are paid for upfront before cargo is released from the port and when container is returned.

Terminal authorities, truck companies and shipping lines are responsible for collecting demurrage and detention fees.

They accept different modes of payments such as:

  • Cash
  • Wire transfer such as telegraphic transfer.
  • Debit or credit card.

What Happens If Factors Out Of My Control Prevent The Pickup Of Cargo Or Return Of Equipment Before Last Free Day?

As a shipper, there are factors that can delay you from picking cargo or returning container at the allocated time.

Factors such as port congestion, extreme weather conditions and labor disputes are some of the reasons beyond shippers’ control.

Shippers are expected to pay detention and demurrage regardless of prevailing factors.

In such scenarios, shippers can negotiate for waiver of the fees accrued.

Shippers argue that in such events, detentions and demurrages charges should be halted until the situation is normalized.

This is yet to be considered by port terminal and shipping lines which argue that the fees ensure smooth flow of shipment.

At Tj chinafreight, we will help you in all freight forwarding needs from China to any global destination.

Contact us now for all your shipping from China.

Letter Of Indemnity: The Ultimate FAQ Guide

If you’re wondering what letter of indemnity is, then all answers you’re looking for is right here.

So if you want to learn more, read this guide.

What Is A Letter Of Indemnity (LOI)?

It’s a document that protects the goods’ owner or carrier against any financial outcome after releasing the goods.

It’s normally provided if you dont presentation of the original Bill of lading.

It’s a contractual document that ensures certain provisions will be met between the two parties involved.

Its main aim is to ensure party A doesn’t suffer any losses if party B fails them. Typically, it holds someone harmless.

The third-party facilitates any damage caused by party A to B or B’s properties.

An indemnity clause is common in leases, licensing agreements, supply agreements, and commercial and legal contracts.

Why Is Letter Of Indemnity Issued In Shipping?

It is an important document that ensures:

  • Efficiency if goods have to be delivered to another port or destination.
  • The indemnity protects the client against any uninsured risks.
  • It provides solutions to irregularities that may occur in the trade.
  • Waiting for the original Bill of lading may take few days or even more sometimes. Presentation of the letter of indemnity grants the recipient immediate access to the cargo.

They can save time and any additional fees like demurrage, storage, expenses, and insurance costs.

Who Are The Parties To A Letter Of Indemnity?

Typically, international trade involves two main parties that are; the buyer and the seller.

However, other parties are involved in making the entire process successful.

LOI parties include:

  • The individual requesting the indemnity is usually the seller or buyer.
  • The entity that accepts the request and performs the specific service against an LOI usually is the carrier.
  • The parties that write risks that have been discussed and agreed on by all parties.
  • The entity that signs the document, for example, a first-class bank
  • , is also the party.
  • This third party agrees to pay party A finances if party B fails to live up to its obligation.

When Is A Letter Of Indemnity Necessary?

Letter of indemnity is used in the following scenarios:

  • If the carrier has been asked to deliver cargo without presenting the original Bill of Lading.
  • This happens if the cargo got to the port before the Bill of Lading.
  • When issuing a clean Bill of Lading
  • When goods are released against lost original Bill of Lading
  • If the cargo has to be delivered to another destination other than the one mentioned on the BOL or charter party

When issuing switch Bill of Lading

  • When issuing antedated or postdated BOL
  • When the carrier has been asked to continue with cargo operations when it’s raining, the ‘Rain’ letter is common in the steel trade.
  • For carrying additional personnel on board, the ship
  • Where split Bill of Lading is used

What Are The Undertakings Of A Letter of Indemnity?

Below are the agreements of the letter of indemnity. They include:

  • The consignee and the bank is backing them up to undertake to indemnify the carrier against any repercussion.

These are which may occur as a result of delivering goods without the Bill of lading.

  • The carrier bears risks to comply with the request of delivering cargo without the BOL. Hence they get the maximum possible security included in LOI.
  • According to the standard letter, there is no limitation on indemnity or any cost arising.
  • If a carrier faces a claim in tort for conversion of goods, then no contract exists between the receiver and the carrier.

This is because the carrier cannot depend on any limitation contained in the BOL.

  • The claimant (receiver) may claim his actual losses that not only include the value of goods.

The cost of acquiring replacement on the market at short notice and downtime will be incurred by the actual owner of goods.

This greatly affects the value of cargo; hence as a carrier, it’s advisable not to accept the LOI limited to the value of the cargo.

  • The indemnity is terminated after all original BOL of specific cargo are issued to the carrier, which normally takes years.
  • Some receivers may offer indemnities that contain a clause that expires after 13 months meaning.

This means any cargo claim should become outdated under Hague-Visby rules after 12 months.

  • In English law, the receiver has like 6years to initiate an action for a breach of contract. This period starts to run only when the claimant has discovered the fraud.
  • A carrier that allows an indemnity that expires after 13 months only gets first notice for defending a major claim after the expiry of the indemnity.
  • Indemnity has a lifespan.

It’s not relied on after 6 years because of the receiver.

The charter may not be in business or may not be in a position to indemnify the carrier.

How Does A Letter Of Indemnity Work?

It’s a contract between two parties who should meet. Party A agrees to pay Party B, who agrees to provide products or services.

If one party breaches the contract, the other party may suffer loss as a result.

The concept of indemnity is to hold someone harmless instead of having the person or business suffer.

Here is an example contract for a construction project.

Party A indemnifies Party B against loss, damage, liabilities, or expenses for work done on the contract.

This means even though party B is responsible for any negligence. Party B is not liable for compensating party A for liability for the action.

What Circumstances May Lead To A Request To Release Cargo Without The Production Of The Original Bill(S)?

They include:

  • If the sale contract between the seller and the buyer has elapsed and the seller wants to sell goods to someone else.
  • When the consignee has a financial dispute with the shipper, indemnity may apply.
  • Also, getting cargo out of the port quicker saves on additional fees while waiting for the BOL.
  • The receiver may aim to steal the cargo while the seller and the bank retain the original paperwork.

This is a rare occurrence.

What Are The Considerations Of A Sound Letter Of Indemnity?

A sound indemnity must contain the following qualities:

  • The entity requesting the indemnity needs to be backed up with a first-class bank, mutual association, or insurance company.
  • Adequate undertaking value that is not less than 200% of Cost Insurance and Freight (CIF) price of goods.
  • Indemnity for all claims and costs in association with issuing a duplicate bill.
  • Validity for at least as long as minimum period for legal actions under contact in the relevant jurisdiction.
  • An effective law and jurisdiction clause to implement the indemnity will also apply for an indemnity letter.

PS: It is advisable to check with the shipper whether payment has been made to release goods.

Never in any circumstance accept a ‘guarantee’ signed by the importer alone.

Instead, secure a legal position and secure a full bank guarantee or letter of indemnity to be safe.

What Are The Two Types Of Letters Of Indemnity?

There are two different letters of indemnity:

  • Letter of indemnity for non-quantitative clauses.
  • Letter of indemnity for quantitative clauses

 Is A Letter Of Indemnity A Legal Document?

Yes, it is.

It’s a legal document that assures one party against another from any potential financial loss.

It’s only considered legally enforced only when it’s issued for legal actions.

What Are The Types Of Indemnity?

There are three types of indemnity clause which includes:

Broad Form Indemnity

The Indemnitor is required to pay for his liabilities and indemnitee’s liabilities whether the indemnitee is partially or 100% at fault.

The contract contains the phrase ‘. whole or in part.’

means if the indemnitee was responsible for 1%, 80%, or 100% of the incident that caused the loss or damage.

The Indemnitor must pay the full value of liabilities regardless of who was at fault.

Intermediate Form Indemnity

It is kind of similar to the broad form.

The Indemnitor pays for the indemnitee’s negligence as long as the indemnitee is not 100% negligent.

If the indemnitee is 99.99% negligent and the Indemnitor is 0.01% negligent, the Indemnitor pays for the liabilities.

Also, the indemnitee and their negligence will pay the liability.

The Indemnitor will not pay for only when the indemnitee is 100% negligent. The phrase used here is ‘. caused in part.’

Limited Form Indemnity

It’s also called comparative.

Here everyone is responsible for their negligence.

I pay for my own; you pay for your negligence.

For example, if a contractor (Indemnitor) is 60% negligent and the owner(indemnitee) is 40%. The contractor pays 60% of the liability cost and the owner 40%.

Ideally, this is not a form of indemnity because neither party pays for the liability of the other even though it seems to be fair.

Who Issues Letters Of Indemnity?

A letter of indemnity is drafted and issued by a third-party institution, preferably a bank or insurance carrier.

He agrees to compensate either party that suffers financial losses caused by the failure of another party.

Who Pays For An Indemnity Policy In Shipping?

The Indemnitor pays for the policy.

What Are The Parts Of A Letter OF Indemnity?

A letter of indemnity should include the following:

  • Details of both parties involved in their full legal names and official or residential address with pin codes.
  • Name and affiliation of the third party.
  • Signature of both parties.
  • A detailed description of items and their intention
  • The date of when the contract will be executed

Should I Sign An Indemnification Clause In Shipping?

We don’t like reading contracts. We are victims of signing contracts or saying ‘yes’ to terms and conditions that we haven’t gone through.

Depending on the type of indemnity you have selected, you take responsibility for your negligence.

Some contracts require you to take total responsibility for all kinds for all reasons. Before signing the letter of indemnity, check the following words:

  • All
  • Or any
  • Every
  • No matter what
  • Regardless of cause

Beware that even well-interpreted insurance policies won’t protect you or your vendor if you sign such an agreement.

Meaning if you sign such a contract, you will be taking full individual responsibility for incurred losses.

No insurance company or bank will help you.

Contracts are very risky and sensitive. Read through them before signing.

Nonetheless, you can only sign such a contract if it’s a binding contract that you cannot modify or negotiate for changes.

What Are The Risks Of Accepting A Letter Of Indemnity?

The following are the risks you may encounter for accepting an LOI. They include:

  • An LOI is as valuable as the person granting it.

Even if it’s a bank or an insurer, it’s vital to consider whether the grantor has the necessary finances available.

Just in case an LOI is called upon or whether there are long-term risks associated.

Consider whether the grantor will still be in business. When an LOI has relied on several years to come or if there is a possibility they will be bankrupt.

Are they reliable or trustworthy entities? Do they have a good reputation? These are factors you should consider.

  • An LOI phrase may not be indisputable. Words should be considered carefully against the circumstance.
  • An LOI in support of an illegal act may not be enforceable.

How Can I Manage The Risk Of Accepting An Letter Of Indemnity?

If you accept an LOI, consider the following risk management tips:

  • Verify LOI is addressed to the right party.
  • Have LOI counter-secured by a reliable bank.
  • Perform financial due diligence on the party granting. The LOI says the bank in terms of the assets they have and the actual location of the assets.
  • Use the most recent International Group Wordings on your LOI.
  • Ensure the LOI is broad enough to cover all liabilities, costs, and losses you may incur.
  • In case there is a chain of LOI, ensure wording appears back to back.
  • Ensure the recipient is the party named in the LOI. You can even go to the extent of asking for their identity and keep a copy as evidence.
  • Ensure LOI is signed by the entity authorized to sign on behalf of the grantor.
  • Avoid having a time limit on LOI. If not, ensure the expiry date is long enough for the provision.

What Are The Rights Of An Indemnity Holder?

On this contract, every entity has its rights. Here are the indemnity holder’s rights.

  • The indemnity holder is entitled to reclaim from the promise and indemnifier all damages. For which he may be forced to pay in any suit.

Any matter to which the promise, the indemnity applies while acting within the scope of his authority, you should sign the indemnity.

  • The indemnity is entitled to recover from promisor all costs he may be forced to pay in suit to defend it.

Suppose he does not go against the order of the promisor. He has acted in the absence of any contract as would have been prudent for him to do.

  • An indemnity holder is entitled to recover from indemnified all sums he paid under the term of compromise of any suit.

If compromise was not against the order of the promisor and the compromiser was not against the order of the promisor.

The compromise was such that it was to be done (prudent) in the absence of any contract of indemnity.

Is It Possible To Limit An Indemnity in LOI?


For instance, parties can decide to limit the duration of indemnification provision.

Many purchase agreement warranty survives 18 months after closing. Some fundamentals can be excluded for the contract to last for a longer period.

How Do I Write A Letter Of Indemnity?

You may wonder why you need to write an actual letter instead of just having a discussion. Remember, a letter can be used for future reference to suing the other party if they fail to meet the obligation.

Verbal promises cannot be used as evidence in court.

Below are steps on how to write an LOI:

  • The first thing first includes the date the document is being signed.

Have your title in bold as ‘letter of indemnity to state the intention of the document clearly.

  • Include a statement indicating where the agreement would be taken to court.
  • Start the letter by verifying you have initiated a contract with the other party. Add phrases like ‘we agreed on.’. Remember to mention you accepted the terms of the contract.
  • Insert language ‘for goods and valuable consideration.’ This wording clearly states that there is payment by one party in return for an agreement to hold the other party harmless.

In the contract, both parties must give something valuable or money in exchange for the promise.

  • Explain a scenario that may make you not complete the contract. It doesn’t have to be detailed; use simple sentences.
  • Describe what you are capable of doing to ensure the other party doesn’t suffer losses. Offer alternatives if possible.
  • Emphasize your commitment to ensuring the other party will not have to suffer any loss. In case you are not able to fulfill your contract.

PS: Please don’t be tempted to write the contract on your own. Or use the free contact form to write because the language might not be detailed.

If possible, consult an attorney to assist you with the form.

At Tj chinafreight, we will help you in all your shipping needs from China to any global destination.

Contact us now for all your freight forwarding services from China.

Liftgate: The Ultimate FAQ Guide

All information you’re looking for about lift gate is right in this guide.

From basic definition, how it works, sizes to specifications – you will find all information you need right here.

Keep reading to learn more.

What Is A Liftgate?

A liftgate is an equipment that helps unload cargo from a truck by attaching it to the back of the truck.

Often, you shall be charged a separate liftgate fee if you happen to need a liftgate for your unloading operations.

Sometimes it is difficult to unload cargo to the ground, probably owing to its size and weight. Therefore, a liftgate becomes the best option to settle for.

Are Liftgate Complimentary Of The Delivery Service?

Usually, a liftgate is not included in the delivery service, and therefore you will need to pay for it separately.

The price charged will depend on factors such as the location of the service provision.

Your carrier and the weight of your shipment, this cost might range from as low as $40 to as much as $100 or more.

However, you might find a complimentary liftgate when working with some freight carriers AS they might have the liftgate service included in delivery as part of FAK (Freight of All Kinds).

Alternatively, the carrier and broker might agree to offer a liftgate service.

While there are such freight carriers offering liftgate complimentary delivery service, you shouldn’t have your hopes high of getting such services as it’s rare.

Your freight broker will advise you accordingly on the costs of a liftgate for your delivery process.

How Does A Liftgate Work?

Mostly, you can easily notice a liftgate attached to some trucks or trailers as they are significantly visible.

Not only are they large, but they also add significant weight to the vehicle’s weight.

For the liftgate to operate, hydraulic pressure forces a piston through a cylinder, making it rise and lowers the gate.

A switch box is behind all the controls of a liftgate through the use of the “up” and “down” function.

The gate is first lowered then unfolded, thus creating a lifting platform. When offloading cargo from a truck, the liftgate carries the cargo and lowers it to the surface.

What Does Liftgate At Delivery Mean In Drayage?

Liftgate delivery refers to a situation where cargo is dropped off at the final destination using a liftgate.

When selecting delivery options, choose a liftgate delivery service that the truck driver will be responsible for loading and unloading your cargo.

You might be required to move your cargo once it’s off the liftgate. Depending on the delivery service option you have chosen.

Do I Need A Liftgate Service?

The answer to whether or not you will require a liftgate service will not only depend on the size and weight of your cargo.

But also the availability of other options such as forklift or shipping docks.

When transporting heavy cargo, you should probably consider seeking liftgate services to facilitate an efficient offloading process.

A liftgate will also ease the lifting of the cargo to the weight of the trailer.

Alternatively, liftgates come in handy in situations with no alternative options such as forklifts, pallet jacks, or shipping docks.

What Does A Liftgate Service Entail?

A liftgate service involves the use of a liftgate to offload or load items from a track.

The liftgate is normally positioned at the back of the track or under the track.

If you choose a liftgate service, the track driver will offload your items off the liftgate surface.

If it is a delivery, you are not exempted from moving your cargo once it’s off the liftgate, not unless it’s an inside delivery service.

What Are The Benefits Of Using Liftgate Services?

It’s no doubt that liftgates are quite advantageous, and here is how;

  • Eliminates any risk of injuries– Using liftgates lowers the risk of injuries to involved staff.
  • Prevents damage – Liftgates prevent damages to items as it’s hard for the load to fall off from the liftgate and break or get destroyed.

Such accidents might happen when lifting loads without a liftgate and might result in additional costs and losses.

  • Less labor– Machines (including liftgates) are meant to make work easier, and some eliminate the need for manpower.
  • Cost-efficient – Since you will need less manpower, costs will be significantly cut, and therefore you can easily save on costs.

What Is The Difference Between Tailgate And Liftgate?

2020 GMC Sierra AT4

While these two have almost similar functionalities. Tailgate is a hatch located at the vehicle’s rear that’s lowered to facilitate the loading and unloading of cargo.

A liftgate is not a hatch, but a closure found at the rear of a vehicle. It can be mechanically operated when loading and unloading heavy cargo.

What Are The Varying Liftgate Service Requirements?

You require liftgate service when loading and unloading heavy material from a truck or trailer.

Liftgate services might be required in the following areas;

  • On construction sites – Liftgate is used to offload building materials from trucks.
  • Lack of access to a loading dock – Facilities that lack a loading dock need a forklift or a liftgate to load or offload a trailer, especially if the cargo weighs more than 150 pounds.
  • Residential deliveries – Furniture, building materials, and other heavy objects will require a liftgate when doing home deliveries.

What Are The Available Liftgate Options For Delivery Trucks?

Before request a liftgate service, it’s important to remember that there are different types, and each serves a specific function.

The functionality will be based on the type of cargo to be handled.

Let’s have a look at the three types of liftgate options below;

Cantilever Liftgate

This would be the ideal liftgate for use in any terrain as your cargo will remain on level regardless.

You can easily load or unload cargo from the side or back. Owing to the spacious platform as well as adjust the platform’s tilt.

Cantilever liftgates are operated using remote control; therefore, less manpower is needed to man the liftgate folding and unfolding functions.

It is compatible with pallets and carts owing to its unique design options like cart stops.

Tuck-Under Lift Gates

One of the benefits of a tuck-under liftgate is the easy access to the cargo doors. You will also enjoy easy rolling of cargo into and out of the truck.

This is facilitated by the standards models, which can tilt to form a ramp.

You will find this type of liftgate popular among dock height trucks which can perform the loading and loading function without a liftgate.

Rail-Lift Gates

This will be a suitable option if you plan to load or unload heavy cargo on the streets.

You can easily notice a rail liftgate.

By checking whether a truck has a liftgate lying flat onto the rear of its body when not in use.

Rail liftgates have not only a large platform but also a levelled one that provides maximum stability.

The disadvantage of this liftgate is that it consumes a lot of space at the rear doorway when it’s not engaged.

What Are The Considerations For Choosing A Liftgate?

There are some important considerations you need to factors in when selecting a liftgate. Here are some of them;

  • When using a cart, pallet jack, you’ll want to ensure that the system is compatible with them, depending on the configuration.

A tuck-under liftgate will tilt once they reach the ground to facilitate cargo rolling, while rail-liftgates lack this feature.

It’s important to enquire whether it’s a “level ride” platform (maintains the same level as the truck bed throughout the process). Or a “standard ride” (tilts towards the ground as seen with tuck-under liftgate) platform when choosing your liftgate.

  • Ensure that the liftgate can sustain the weight and dimensions of your cargo. While considering this, don’t forget other factors such as the weight of the driver, pallet jack, or second handler.

Sum up all these, and if you can, allow for extra weight.

What Is A Liftgate Fee?

A liftgate fee is a money charged on liftgate services offered for a location that lacks a loading dock.

A trucker will determine whether or not you will require a liftgate and charge you if applicable.

How Much Does Liftgate Service Cost?

The cost of a liftgate service will vary depending on the weight, location, and carrier you choose.

Normally, the costs might range from as low as $50 to more than $500.You can as well negotiate the fee. If so, you plan to use a specific company for your future shipments.

Why Do Carriers Charge For Liftgates?

Carriers, just like any other business, need to make profits from the services that they provide. What do the liftgate charges cover, you may ask;

  • To begin with, it’s worth noting that not all trucks come fixed with liftgates. Therefore, if you need one with a liftgate, you will have to pay additional costs for it.
  • Secondly, just like you would install a swimming pool in your property to add value, so does a liftgate.

A liftgate is an additional investment that also raises the value of the truck.

Capital will be required to purchase and have it fixed, which explains why you shall be charged for it.

  • Also, you need to remember that a liftgate is a machine. This means that it will need to be serviced and maintained now and then. Thus the fee was charged.
  • As if that’s enough, liftgates add extra work to the driver.
  • Finally, we can’t forget to mention how liftgates have made it convenient to load and unload cargo, thus benefiting buyers.

What Are The Dimensions Of A Liftgate?

Dimensions of a liftgate are diverse and often include; 80” to 89” wide and 30” to 70” deep. Most liftgates are deep enough to accommodate a standard pallet measuring 40” x 48” standard pallet.

Keep in mind that the size of the truck will influence the width of the liftgate.

Given the dimensions of the truck, the liftgate should have fewer dimensions as compared to the truck.

For instance, let us imagine that your truck measures 96” wide. The liftgate you can use should be around 82”.

It is important to always check with your carrier on the size of liftgates available. More so if you plan not to transport on standard 40” x 48” pallets.

What Are Liftgate Limitations On Dimensions And Weight?

Liftgates can be used on cargo that is 96″ wide or less and 48″ deep. Thereby they can conveniently handle standard-sized pallets.

A standard liftgate will handle a maximum of 2500 lbs, and in case of any additional weight, alternative options need to be organized.

It’s important to work closely with your freight broker to get appropriate advice in case this happens.

What Are Liftgate Equipment Safety Considerations?

Here are some safety considerations on liftgate equipment;

  • Be aware of how much your liftgate can handle and the weight of your cargo to avoid overloading.
  • Ensure that you have several chocks in the truck if it lacks cart stops to prevent items from rolling off when moving items in and out of the truck.
  • Avoid using a liftgate for other purposes apart from its designed function.
  • Ensure that the surface does not slip.
  • Carefully note where the liftgate and the truck bed join as failure to notice this might result in avoidable injuries.
  • Always select a liftgate with cart stops whenever you rent as they inhibit items from rolling off.
  • The liftgate and floor of the truck should be uniformly levelled to facilitate easy rolling of cargo in and out of the truck.
  • Avoid placing your hand and feet near the pinch points.

Is Liftgate Service Always Available?

Not all trucks are fitted with liftgates, and therefore, the service is not always available.

You need to plan early and know whether or not you might require a liftgate, after which you will inform your carrier.

If you failed to request a liftgate and the truck comes without one. You will be subjected to additional costs, not forgetting the delays caused.

To avoid all these troubles, be sure to highlight that you will need a liftgate on your bill of lading.

Do I Need A Liftgate Service If I Have A Forklift?

No. A forklift is an alternative option that serves the same purpose as a liftgate. Therefore, you will not need a liftgate if you have one.

With a forklift, the driver will only have to position the cargo at the back of the truck to facilitate the unloading process.

All charges, whether limited access residential or non-commercial, will apply apart from the liftgate fee.

Ensure that your customer is aware that you don’t need a lift gate, which might be included in the total bill.

Sometimes, it happened to shippers, and they are presented with a lift gate fee that they requested nor utilized.

This happens when the driver and consignee choose to include the fee. Because they thought it would be convenient to use a lift gate.

At Tj chinafreight, we provide fast and reliable solution when importing from China.

Contact us now for all your freight forwarding needs from China.

Live Unload: The Ultimate FAQ Guide

Let’s look at some of the fundamental aspects of live unload in shipping industry.

If you have any question on live unload, you will find the answer right here.

Keep reading to learn more.

What Is A Live Unload In Shipping?

Live Unload is also referred to as rapid unload. A term used in the shipping industry refers to offloading a vessel transporting cargo in a shipping container.

Here the trucker waits for the container to be unloaded on-site instead of dropping and leaving.

S/He then returns the empty container to the container yard at the port.

When Should A Live Unload Be Arranged?

Consider Live Unload:

  • If your goods are in low volume.
  • Suppose the cargo can be unloaded within 2 hours. Most truckers offer 1-2 free waiting hours.

When the 2 hours’ elapses, they charge an additional fee on an hourly rate (approximately $75 per hour), reflecting on the quote or invoice as a trucking wait fee.

  • If your cargo is fragile hence needs to be handled with care under supervision.
  • Also, if you have palletized cargo and the warehouse has forklifts, the unloading process will take the shortest time possible.
  • If your goods are perishable, hence they need to be offloaded faster before going bad.
  • If the goods are valuable and need to be inspected after then live unload should be arranged.

How Does A Live Unload Work?

Live unload occurs at the delivery point. First thing first, you need to schedule for a live unload early in advance.

I think it is best done in the morning because of the fresh energy we humans have.

The trucker arrives at the warehouse at the specified time. S/he has a specific unloading dock or garage door.

The process of unloading is supposed to begin immediately after the driver pulls up.

Well, it’s not always the case. The driver is expected to stick around and watch as the container is being emptied.

Depending on the contract signed, the driver may or may not be paid during the first two hours. However, the first two hours are mostly free.

Drivers charge if you exceed the 2 hours.

You pay according to the driver’s prorated hourly rate. Meaning the price may differ among drivers.

Live Unload highly depends on the staff at the warehouse. If they have facilities and equipment such as lifting devices, the process can even take 30 minutes.

The type of cargo you have also determined how fast or slow the process may take.

For instance, if you have palletized cargo and forklifts at the offloading point, the process will be quick.

After a successful offloading process, the trucker leaves the site with an empty container to the container yard or proceeds to the next pick-up point.

Live Unload can be tedious and a burden to the drivers.

Especially if there is a schedule mismatch if they get delayed at the warehouse, which may affect their next delivery.

How Much Space Do I Need for A Live Unload?

Here are the dimensions of a 20ft high cube container.

 You need the following amount of space:

  1. Enough space for the truck to drop the container.
  2. Tilt-tray trucks are mostly used to deliver cargo. You need:
  • A slightly levelled area,
  • 5m of high clearance
  • 3m of width clearance
  1. Roughly 20m in a straight line from where the container is placed down

A side-loading truck is best for a limited space.

What Is The Difference Between A Live Unload And A Drop And Pick?

Both are truck delivery options; however, they are different.

Live Unload is where the driver drops off the container at a warehouse. Waits for the container to be unloaded, leaving the empty container at the port or the next delivery point.

Drop and pick, on the other hand, is self-explanatory. The driver literary drops off the container at the warehouse then picks another empty container before leaving.

It’s cheaper than a drop or lives unload. The driver doesn’t have to make another trip to the warehouse or wait for the truck to be unloaded.

Nevertheless, it’s convenient if you normally receive containers after a few days.

How Does Live Unload Vs Drop And Hook Compare?

Drop and hook is the same as Drop and Pick, so don’t get confused.

Here is the difference between the two:

  • Live Unload. The driver has to be physically present to watch the offloading process. While Drop and Hook, the trucker doesn’t have to supervise the offloading of cargo.
  • Live Unload, the trucker waits for the container they came in while the driver picks a different one in Drop and Hook.
  • Drop and hook are cheaper as the driver doesn’t wait for the container to be unloaded. Also, it doesn’t go back to the warehouse for the container; s/he picks and leaves.
  • The container doesn’t have to make a schedule in Drop and Hook, unlike in Live Unload.

How Long Does It Take To Unload A Shipping Container?

It depends on the content in the container.

If it’s palletized cargo and there are lifting devices like forklifts and skilled manpower. It can be unloaded in less than an hour on average.

For loose cargo in different sizes and shapes, most warehouses take 3-4 hours for a normal 800-1200-unit container.

Non-standard cargo takes an entire day. Availability of material handling gears and skilled manpower can help speed up the process.

Do I Need To Rent A Ramp For A Live Container Unload?

Yes, you do. Depending on how often you need to use a ramp, you can hire or purchase one.

Ramps are very important. They help

  • Avoid double handling of cargo
  • Are relatively cheap to purchase
  • Are mobile hence can move along the site
  • Can quickly set them up

Ramps helps you run a forklift from the ground up to inside the shipping container while the container stays on the truck.

Stationery ramps can be fixed into position. You can also use mobile ramps to move around the site.

The only downside of ramps is they take too much space, and it’s dangerous to run forklifts up and down.

What Other Equipment May Be Needed For A Live Unload?

Apart from a container, truck, and a trucker, the following equipment is required for Live Unload to be successful:

  • Cranes
  • Forklift
  • Ramps
  • Shelves
  • Bins and drawers
  • Racks
  • Telescopic boom conveyor.

What Are The Considerations For Unloading Sensitive Or Dangerous Goods?

Dangerous or sensitive goods can be in solid, liquid, or gas states.

The hazardous effects they can cause can be either minimal or fatal; hence they need to be handled with care:

Here are tips you need to consider while offloading cargo:

  • Make the staff aware they are handling dangerous cargo. Yes, even if the goods have been labelled. This will remind them to wear protective gear.
  • Don’t drop them off the trucker; they may explode. Handle them with care.
  • Don’t place them next to others, especially if they are different goods that can react when they come in contact.

What Are Some Tips For Unloading A Live Container Quickly?

Time is valuable, especially where money is a factor.

Here’s how to quicken the unloading process:

  • Ensure the container is placed on a levelled surface.
  • Unload the container directly into the garage.
  • Have enough manpower to assist; the more the merry.
  • Liaise with the warehouse management before arriving so that they get ready to unload after you pull up.
  • Choose a site that is free from people and vehicles to avoid damages and accidents.
  • Install battery-powered lights inside the container for cargo to be seen clearly.
  • Consider using lifting devices and equipment such as sloppy ramps to ease the process.

How Do I Find Lumpers For A Live Container Unload?

The process of unloading cargo highly relies on manual labour. Therefore, you need lumpers. Contact the freight unloading services near you.

They will provide fast and accurate offload services.

What Are The Benefits Of Hiring Professional Container Unloading Services?

Professional container unloading services come with the following pros:

  • They are reliable.
  • Reduces the possibility of product damages; you are sure of safety.
  • Are fast hence reducing truck waiting fees
  • They are cost-effective depending on the company you select
  • They ease the offloading process.
  • Use of automated offloading systems and equipment provides workers with safe working conditions
  • They create an organized working environment.
  • They maximize the space available.

What Are The Considerations For Unloading A Shipping Container?

Below are some tips you need to consider to have a successful offloading process:

  • Make a schedule with the warehouse to create space for you and be ready to receive you.
  • Ensure the offloading space is a levelled ground.
  • Slowly and carefully open the container door just in case the goods moved or shifted during transit.
  • Put on the lights so that the offloading crew can see through the container.
  • Be on the lookout for any risks and adjust your strategy if the conditions change.
  • Instruct your workers on the safety procedure they need to embrace.
  • Hire enough skilled manpower.
  • Use equipment like cranes, forklifts, vertical container lifts, etc. Use a mobile ramp around the site.
  • Ensure your workers have safety gear, especially while handling dangerous cargo.

What Are The Key Hazards Associated With Unloading A Shipping Container?

They include:

  • The container is placed on uneven ground.
  • Lack of enough lighting to allow offloading of goods.
  • Loose items that were not secured adequately during transit; hence some fall from the height.
  • Unpalletized cargo.
  • Loose items that force the door open or that fall on the offloading crew when they open the container door
  • Unsafe systems applied during the offloading of cargo include:
  • Having congestion around the working area that may cause accidents.
  • Ignoring risks associated with slip, trip or falls
  • Failure to provide information of the content in the container, whether it’s dangerous or overweight.
  • Failure to manage chemical spillage inside the container
  • Ignoring risks that may occur as a result of exposure to fumigation chemicals in the container.
  • Lack of facilities and equipment in the warehouse that force the workers to carry heavy items in awkward positions.

How Do I Control Risks During A Live Container Unload?

You can control or eliminate risks during Live Unload by:

  • Liaise with the unpacking crew to ensure they are fully prepared.
  • Consult with the other site users before offloading the container on the ground.
  • Consider the container pathway before it arrives. Get rid of any obstacles like overhead power lines etc.
  • Choose a levelled ground for unpacking. Ensure the space is enough to open doors and offload.
  • Check the stability of the container. If it’s situated at height to access a loading dock, lower the landing leg of the trailer.
  • Ensure there is adequate lighting in and around the container for operating plant and offloading.
  • Consider the environmental conditions on-site. Whether it’s raining, sunny, the area is well ventilated, and whether or not it’s safe for workers to work there.

Does Cargo Insurance Cover Lost Or Damage During A Live Unload?

No, it doesn’t.

There are different types of cargo insurance and types of policies.

The responsibility for securing the cargo is divided between the shipper, consignor, packer, driver, and the carrier.

Loss or damage is subjected to general average, fire, accident, entry of seawater in the vessel, etc.

It covers something that has happened that was not expected. Therefore it doesn’t cover damage or loss that may occur during Live Unload.

The party liable will take care of that.

How Do I Ensure Cargo Is Safely Packed For Transit And Unloading?

Here are packaging tips you need to put into consideration:

  • Don’t underestimate internal packaging. Use air cushion and bubble wrap on fragile cargo. Tape the edges of the internal box.
  • Fill any empty spaces in the box to stop goods from moving. Band the goods together using tape.
  • Use double-walled boxes on the exterior. If your using recycled boxes, ensure they are inside out to cover the label of the previous shipment.
  • Label your cargo, i.e. whether it’s dangerous or fragile so that they can get the special treatment they deserve.
  • Consider creating or palletizing heavy cargo.
  • Choose a container with fastening straps to fasten your cargo.

Is There A Minimum Time Requirement For Live Container Unloads?

Typically, it takes 1-2 hours to offload a 20ft container.

However, the process of offloading can take 30 minutes or even less.

It all depends on the type of goods you have, manpower, and equipment available.

What Are The Alternatives To Live Unloads?

We’ve learned all about Live Unload. If it’s not your cup of tea, your carrier can offer you alternatives.

You can unload your container from one of the depots.

The carrier will then transport the container directly to the depot, where it will be waiting for you to unload.

Most trucking companies offer several days’ unload time and can also provide fair storage rates.

For all your shipping from China, Tj chinafreight is here to help – contact us now.

Lift Gate Fee: The Ultimate FAQ Guide

In this guide, I will answer all your questions on lift gate fee.

So, if you want to learn more about lift gate fee – read this guide.

What Is A Liftgate Fee?

The Liftgate fee charges you pay when offloading or loading using the truck with liftgate.

These devices vary from electrical, lowering, and hydraulic devices.

Furthermore, the liftgate fee also applies for delivery sites with no docking areas.

You should remember that the liftgate fee varies depending on the amount of offloading and loading cargo.

Other factors include the type of truck and carrier.

Truckers should notify prior for trucks that do not have a liftgate.

This facilitates arrangements for special offloading and loading of cargo. Liftgate requires high maintenance and is costly.

This may be a reason you find trucks with no liftgate at all.

What Is A Liftgate Truck?

This is a piece of hydraulic equipment or box truck which contains a liftgate that you can attach to the back of the truck.

Loading and offloading cargo can sometimes be a big hassle due to the unavailability of the right equipment.

This is where the liftgate comes in.

A liftgate is normally a mechanical platform that requires mechanical devices to lift and lower the cargo.

Liftgate makes the process of loading and offloading easier for material handling equipment such as trolleys and hand pallet trucks.

What Is A Lift Gate Fee Service?

Liftgate services are normally additional services that carriers offer while delivering or picking up the cargo.

Unavailability of mechanical devices such as forklifts and loading docks results in seeking liftgate services.

The freight carriers will assist in offloading or loading the heavy cargo on or off the truck. Carriers determine how heavy the cargo is while rendering the services.

Liftgate pickup or Liftgate delivery are the common factors that determine where this service will be offered.

Carrying out the liftgate service results in to offload or loading of the cargo from the liftgate platform.

Delivery of the cargo requires you to move it after the liftgate unless you have an inside delivery.

When Will You Pay For Lift Gate Fee Service?

From the above summary, liftgate service is optional unless need be.

To determine when you require liftgate service depends on the following factors.

  • The infrastructure of the delivery and pickup locations: Mostly, you will find facilities/warehouses with no loading docks.

This makes it difficult for forklifts and truck pallets to offload and load cargo from the trucks.

Truck drivers should seek liftgate services to lift the material handling equipment to load or unload the cargo.

  • The type of cargo: Heavy materials, many goods, or personal effects require safe handling.

Lack of loading docks or material handling equips will result in you adopting the liftgate services.

This is because you cannot offload or load the goods using your hands. It is tedious, and safety is not guaranteed.

  • The cost that comes with purchasing material handling equipment is very high. This results in seeking liftgate services from carriers of your choice.
  • Additionally, you can use liftgate services to carry personal purchases that you cannot carry by hand.

For instance, ridges it’s obvious even if you try, you cannot carry this appliance using your hands due to the weight.

Does A Lift Gate Fee Service Include A Pallet Jack?

Delivery of the shipment from one docking location to another requires the use of a pallet jack.

This pallet jack can perform the services of offloading and loading the shipment on the truck.

Liftgate service applies where there is absentia of docking bay or the material handling equipment such as the pallet jack.

Therefore, the liftgate service does not necessarily include the use of a pallet jack.

Is Inside Fee Delivery Inclusive Of Lift Gate Fee Service?

No, inside fee delivery and liftgate services are two separate charges.

These changes occur in different scenarios. Inside fee delivery occurs after offloading the shipment using the liftgate.

No consignee would want the shipment left on the loading dock; hence the aspect of inside delivery comes in.

We consider inside delivery fees as charges as a result of the following;

  • An additional requirement of the equipment. Example use of pallet jack.
  • Additional time.
  • Need for additional manpower.

How Much Is Lift Gate Fee?

To determine the lift gate fee, you first need to consider the following factors the size and the liftgate model.

Considering these factors, a single liftgate can cost between $2,000 and $7,000.

These type of liftgates normally holds up to 3,500 pounds of shipment. This is equivalent to 1.6 tones and can still comfortably fold back.

Who Pays For Liftgate Fee?

Normally, the consignee has the obligation of making payments of the liftgate fee.

Even though the charges will not apply directly, during offloading and loading with the availability of the liftgate, the trucker will first request to use it.

The charges made while using the liftgate by the trucker will be incorporated on the final involve receipt.

This is where the consignee comes into making the payments.

Additionally, when the consignee requests liftgate pickup or delivery, the carrier does not invoice the consignee as per the carrier tariff services.

In case of prepayment of the shipment to flock freight, the bill must go through the same party.

All these charges will be passed and given to the consignee who should make the payments. The payments pertain to the execution of the shipment.

Is Liftgate Fee Negotiable?

Yes, the liftgate fee is negotiable.

You will often find that the carrier’s lift gate fee is often a flat rate.

This means for every crossing border or diversion of miles, the liftgate fee remains constant, giving the consignee room to negotiate.

While working with carriers, you have all the rights to disagree with the liftgate fee they have put in place.

The frequency with which you ship with these carriers should indicate the relationship that is there.

For instance, if the carrier charges $90 per hour, you can negotiate for a lower amount of up to $65.

It’s also important to be aware of tariffs and contacts rates that will benefit you and the carrier. This creates a rappel where both parties benefit at the end of it all.

Note, you should also consider using third-party logistics.

They best know how to negotiate liftgate fee rates.

Will I Pay Lift Gate Fee Even If I Open An Account With The Trucking Company?

Acquiring an account with the trucking company does not guarantee free liftgate services.

The key thing to keep in mind is how many of the trucks have liftgates.

It will be unreasonable to get a free liftgate fee, but they delay shipping.

Make sure the company you are signing up for has enough trucks equipped with liftgates.

Why Is Lift Gate Fee Service Essential?

Liftgate service has extreme benefits that allow you to permanently opt to use the services. These benefits include;

  • You require less manpower: the delivery team performs all the tasks of offloading and loading shipment. This means the minimal need for extra manpower to perform the tasks.
  • Avoiding damages: Damages as a result of regular truck surfaces result in extra expenditures.

These additional charges are mostly higher than the original fee. If this happens, you will be liable for the damage fee on top of the liftgate charges.

  • To avoid this, ensure proper handling of fragile shipments.
  • Evading injuries: The common injuries at different workplaces are a result of lifting heavy materials/loads.

These injuries have dire consequences such as delays, pose harm to employees. To avoid these, adopt using the liftgate, which provides lifting services.

Do All Carriers Charge Lift Gate Fee?

Carriers who provide the full-truckload and less-than-truckload do not offer liftgate services. They deliver the shipment directly to the consignee who has loading docks, making the process easier.

Therefore, the carriers find to need to equip the liftgate at the back of the truck.

If you are unsure of the availability of the liftgate services, kindly reach out to the carriers for clarification.

How Do I Request For A Liftgate Service?

This mostly occurs during the delivery of shipment. We recommend you directly involve the carriers.

The carriers will require you to provide the following information;

  • Pickup and delivery addresses
  • Description of the cargo.
  • Availability of loading bay.
  • Availability of material handling equipment.

Some of these trucking companies will always recommend the use of material equipment handling such as pallet jack.

This facilitates the easiness of offloading and loading trucks.

It’s also advisable that you go through the terms and conditions before taking a step to request liftgate services.

Open Back Door With Ramp at Delivery Truck

What Are The Alternatives To Liftgate Delivery Service?

There are other options to offloading and loading the shipment on the trucks.

Adopting the various alternatives depends on the budget you have, location of the business.

Some of the alternatives besides using the liftgate service include;

  • Loading docks
  • Use of forklift
  • Use of pallet jack.
  • You may also opt to outsource the shipment prep and loading. This option is a little bit expensive.

With the above options, you can easily choose what best suits you and liftgate services that pose minimal damages.

Do Carriers Charge One Liftgate Fee If Shipping From Two Separate Locations?

No, carriers do not charge one liftgate fee if shipping from two separate locations. Normally the charges of the liftgate services are as per a shipment.

You can only charge one liftgate fee when you are shipping orders from one single location.

You need to ship from two different locations arises. Then you should be ready for two separate liftgate fees.

What Will Happen If I Use A Lift Gate Service Without Prior Intimation?

Use of liftgate service before intimation has dire consequences. The following scenarios would occur if you decide to use liftgate service before intimation;

  • If the delivery receipt doesn’t indicate any charges on the liftgate fee, whereas it’s clear there is the use of one—it results in additional charges.
  • The use of a liftgate and the presence of a signature on the delivery receipt are not disputable.
  • If you request a liftgate and the carriers do not provide or charges made on the liftgate, there is no evidence of use. You can dispute this on the dispute form provided.

Who Takes Responsibility If Goods Get Damaged When You Pay Lift Gate Fee?

The presence of any damages or defects on the shipment during the liftgate service holds the carriers accountable.

The carriers will be liable for these damages, if not whole, but to a certain percentage.

Carriers are responsible for the damages since they have the obligation of rendering the liftgate services. This is proven under the shipping policy.

How Can I Reduce Liftgate Fee In Shipment Pickup/Delivery?

The key point to keep in mind is that the liftgate fee is negotiable.

The liftgate fees will, in the end, determine the actual cost of shipping the shipment.

A better understanding of the liftgate fees allows you to determine the frequency of the liftgate charges.

This, as a result, enables negotiation, which results in a reduction of the liftgate fee. Additionally, ensure you have an accurate description of the shipment.

This helps solve any disputes of the liftgate fee that may occur.

Lastly, you can involve the third-party logistics who better understand negotiation protopathic will get you the best liftgates fee deal.

Apart From Lift Gate Fee, What Other Tracking Fee Should I Be Aware Of?

We can also refer to this fee as accessorial charges. You must get all the information of any other trucking fee to prevent been caught unawares.

This trucking fee caters to any additional services carriers will render to you apart from the pickup and delivery services.

Below are some of the other trucking fees you should be aware of;

Limited Access Location

Sometimes you will have a shipment to deliver or pick up in a limited access location, making it a liftgate. For instance, a truck that is 53-foot on this location is hassle using a liftgate.

You can arrange for a smaller truck to ship the cargo to your convenient location to cab this event.

Trade Shows And Conventional Centres

Usually, shipping to convectional centres or trade shows can be chaotic. Imagine a convention centre that is overcrowded by trucks?

The hassle will be tedious, and a lot of commotion.

To evade this hassle most trucks, have specific arrival and offloading times.

In other scenarios, the carriers will have a preference on trade shows to use.

Construction Zone Deliveries

Delivering to construction zones can be a little difficult, especially if there is no permanent address location.

For instance, we are delivering shipments in the middle of construction. Let say road construction.

With no specific address, you should ensure you arrive early to find a recipient of the delivery.

Administrative Accessorial

Omissions, errors in the bill of lading, or any changes from the shipper result in additional charges.

Furthermore, it can result in delays in the shipment. With this scenario, an assessment of the accessorial costs will occur.

Some of the most administrative errors that result in accessorial charges include;

  • Freight class to the bill of lading.
  • Inaccurate weight.

At Tj chinafreight, we will help you in all freight forwarding services from China.

Contact us now for all shipping from China.

Free Trade Agreement: The Ultimate FAQ Guide

If you’re in the import and export business, probably you have come across the term free trade agreement.

In this guide, I will answer all your questions on free trade agreement (FTA).

So keep reading to learn more.

What Is The Meaning Of FTA (Free Trade Agreement)?

Free trade agreement is a settlement between two or more countries to lessen trade barriers between them.

This protocol allows the trading nations to move goods and services across their borders with less government restrictions, subsidized quotas, tariffs, etc.

Nations that do not have FTA, practice trade protectionism.

How Does A Free Trade Agreement Work?

Free trade agreement can be achieved by either formally signing a mutual agreement or by eliminating trade border barriers.

Most governments choose the “laissez-faire trade” which is French for “leave alone”.

This hand off economic philosophy believes that businesses are better off without government involvement.

Countries with FTA in place do not completely abandon across border trade restrictions.

They still have regulations on imports and exports as well as oversight on FTA.

This has resulted in few FTA being successful.

Countries with FTA still prohibit import of certain drugs, processed food below their standards or endangered animal species.

Some countries will impose tariffs on specific goods to protect domestic products from foreign competition.

What Is The Purpose Of FTAs In International Trade And Economics?

Free trade agreements are mainly to facilitate frictionless trade between member nations by reducing or abolishing trade barriers.

It also encourages diversity, gives access to global markets, lower prices of goods in the domestic country while better utilizing homebased resources.

What Is The Difference Between FTA (Free Trade Agreement) And FTZ (Free Trade Zone)?

FTA is a treaty between countries to reduce or remove tariffs and trade barriers, to ease trade between them.

Free trade zone (FTZ) is an area within or near a port where goods are exempted from tariffs, taxes, re-export payments to encourage global business

How Many Types Of Trade Agreements Are There?

There are three types of trade agreements namely, unilateral, bilateral, and multilateral.

Unilateral Trade Agreement

Unilateral trade agreement is where only one country lessens its border restriction in order to boost economy of another country.

A country may also restrict trade across its border with the other country not reciprocating.

A country only lessens trade restrictions to a country that is less threatening to its economy.

This is done by developed states as a form of foreign aid to help strengthen emerging markets grows their economy.

United states practice unilateral trade agreement as a way of creating new markets for its exporters.

Bilateral Trade Agreement

Unlike unilateral trade agreement, bilateral trade agreement involves two governments that agree to lessen their trade restrictions to their advantage.

The two nations agree to subsidize their tariffs and grant themselves their preferred trade status.

This FTA agreement is always on government protected domestic products such as oil, food producing industries, etc.

One such example was the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) which was between U.S and the EU.

Multilateral Trade Agreement

This is a free trade agreement involving three or more countries and is always very difficult to agree on.

This is because each member country has specific needs and request that want met.

Multilateral trade agreement is advantageous because they cover large geographical area giving member states competitive advantage.

The member states confer a “most-favored-status” thus enjoy the excellent mutual agreement and lowest tariffs.

An example of the largest multilateral trade agreement is the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) between United States, Mexico and Canada.

This FTA was formerly known as North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

What Is The History Of International Free Trade Agreements?

Between 16th century and the end of 18th century, nations adopted the Mercantilism doctrine in their trade engagements.

This trade policy encouraged countries to import fewer goods and services and export more to increase their economic value.

It forbade foreign traders from taking part in local trade for instance only British ships could access coastal trade in England.

This doctrine was later shunned by Adam Smith and David Ricardo who promoted trade liberalization in their writing.

In 1823, Reciprocity of Duties Acts was passed and it assisted the British to carry out bilateral trade with other nations.

Corn Law was thereafter repealed in 1850 thereby allowing corn trade.

Come 1995, World Trade Organization was formed to take over from General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GTT).

WTO included policies on services, intellectual property, and investments.

To date, WTO is the oversight body that ensures free trade agreement is adhered to.

What Is The Role Of WTO (World Trade Organization) In Free Trade Agreements?

World Trade Organization is a global body mandated with regulation on trade agreements between its member states.

WTO comes when the FTA involves nations from different geographical regions.

It performs three main functions namely; regulates multilateral agreement, control dumping and dispute resolution and oversee ongoing negotiations.

World trade organization ensures that the policies in the trade agreement are implemented and followed by countries involved.

These nations are granted “Most Favored Status” and lower trade tariffs.

Its second primary function is ensuring that countries involved do not export goods at prices lower than their production cost.

This is known as dumping and it puts other countries at a competitive disadvantage for the same products.

Anti-dumping policies and duty are implemented by WTO upon investigating and proving that a member state has been involved in dumping.

WTO will verify these allegations by calculating:

  1. Price of the exported goods in their domestic market
  2. Price of the goods in different countries by the same exporter
  3. Production cost, other expenses and profit margin.

Disputing country needs to verify the normal prices for the exported goods before it can impose anti-dumping tariffs.

WTO’s major role here is to ensure smooth flow of global trade contracts by resolving such disputes.

Thirdly, WTO oversees new and ongoing trade negotiations among member states.

One such instant was the Doha Round Trade Agreement in 2006.

This would have been the largest FTA lowering agricultural and non-agricultural tariffs for its member states.

It however failed since U.S and EU refused to subsidize tariff among many other complex issues.

What Are Some Examples Of Free Trade Areas?

There are various examples of free trade agreements from bilateral to multilateral trade agreements.

NAFTA: This is North American Free Trade Agreement and its member states are; United States, Mexico and Canada.

NAFTA is currently referred to as; United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).

CAFTA: Central America Free Trade Agreement includes Central American States.

EFTA: European Free Trade Association comprises of Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

SAFTA: South Asian Free Trade Agreement include; Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Maldives and Sri Lanka.

Pacific Alliance: Has Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru as its members.

Bilateral trade agreements can be between two countries or two trading blocs such as Australia-China FTA. Others include: EU-Canada FTA, EU-Japanese FTA, US- South Korea FTA, and many more.

Who Benefits The Most From Free Trade Agreements?

Free trade agreements allow two or more countries to import and export goods and services across their borders without tariff barriers.

These less or no restrictions lead to increased trade between member states and net economic growth.

The net economic gain effect may not be felt by everyone, thus there are those who lose.

The beneficially of FTA are:


Exporters are able to export their goods easily at a reduced cost due to removal or lessening of trade tariffs and barriers.

As a result, they are able to employ more work forces thus increasing their productivity.

Some exporters venture into specialized production in order to supply global markets.

This results into positive economic gain for the exporting company.

Increased Tax Revenue

When prices of goods are affordable due to trade liberalization, the government realizes economic growth from increased tax collection.

This generally improves society wellbeing in the country since the government has funds to fulfill public services.

Consumers Enjoy Reduce Prices

Since there are no tariffs on exports, it makes imported goods cheaper in the long run.

Consumers are advantaged as they are able to afford imports and still remain with disposable income for other use.

Additionally, domestic monopoly is reduced by the competitive prices making the prices even more cheaper for consumers.

Individual Employees

Exporting firms need workers to be able to export goods to other nations.

They range from drivers, loaders, clearance personnel, etc. Individuals who get these opportunities are direct beneficiaries of trade liberalization.

What Are The Disadvantages Of Free Trade Agreements?

Free trade agreements have not been without disadvantages. Some of them are as listed below:

Uncompetitive Businesses

Governments impose export tariffs on goods in order to protect the same goods which are produced locally though at higher cost.

Eliminating border tariffs makes domestic producers uncompetitive against foreign firms.

This in turn results into reduced demand for domestic products and high demand for imported goods. Eventually such firms go out of business due to unfair competition.

Loss Of Jobs

When local firms are unable to compete against foreign businesses due to price disparity for same products, they eventually close down.

Closing down means job loss for the employees.

Negative Multiplier Effect In The Region

Certain regions have specific industries concentrated in the same area due to free trade agreement. When uncompetitive firms close down and people lose jobs, the region is likely to feel the ripple effect of increased unemployment.

Whereas there is likelihood of increased demand and revenue for the existing firms, keeping up with new demand may be challenging.

How Do Exports And Imports Affect The Use Of Free Trade Agreements?

Exports are good and services sold to foreign countries, government or business and thus bringing money into the country.

Imports are goods and services produced abroad and bought by home country.

Imports take away money from the country hence reducing economic growth.

Imports and exports are part of international trade.

When imports exceed exports value, the resultant effect is trade deficit.

What Are Tariffs in Free Trade Agreements?

Tariffs are taxes charged on imported goods by the government at its border point.

Tariffs serve as revenue collection for government as well as protection for domestic industries and productions from unfair price competition.

There are two types of tariffs; specific tariffs and ad valorem tariffs.

Specific tariffs are charged at a fixed rate depending on the type of goods, for example; USD 30 for electronic items.

An ad-valorem is levied as a percentage on the item’s value, like 10% of car value.

Tariffs can also result into negative effects such as monopolies by companies leading to high consumer prices.

Besides, companies may become inefficient and less innovative with reduced or lack of competition.

Tariffs may also lead to trade wars within a region by rivaling countries that feel frustrated by trade favoritism.

Why Are Tariffs And Trade Barriers Used In International Trade And Do They Affect Free Trade Agreements?

Tariffs and trades barriers are a form of protection enforced by governments to protect domestic industries and production.

They are used by both new and growing economies as well as advanced economies.

Protect Domestic Industries

Tariffs are used by governments to make imported goods more expensive thereby forcing consumers to buy domestic products.

This is because having cheaper imports may push domestic industries to close down leading to job losses.

This increases a country’s unemployment rate making it a political issue than it is an economic issue.

It also affects the economy negatively as domestic firms may threaten to shift their production abroad due to cheaper production costs.

Shield Consumers

A country is likely to introduce tariffs and trade restrictions on goods they feel might harm their citizens. For instance, U.S. can impose tariff on meet from China if they believe it does not meet their health standards.

National Security

Industries of national security interest such as defense-related companies are highly protected by government through tariffs and trade barriers.

Import of such items are strictly controlled by specific arms of government.

Protect Young Industries

Developing countries or emerging markets impose tariffs and trade restriction on goods whose industries they need to grow.

This makes imported goods prices higher than domestic goods thus promoting domestic productions.

Developing economies use this approach as a way of reducing dependency on developed nations and growing their domestic industries,

Critics argue that those infant industries or markets grow without competition hence compromise on their product quality.

Weapon Of Retaliation

Member states use tariffs and trade barriers to retaliate if they feel their partnering country does not abide by trade rules.

For example, China retaliated on United States during Trump administration when he imposed tariffs on Chinese imports.

Is Free Trade Area vs. Customs Union vs. Single Market Any Different?

Yes, they are.

Free Trade Area (FTA)

This is a certain region where group of nations from that specific region sign trade agreement deal to seal their cooperation.

The main aim of FTA is to eliminate tariffs, trade barriers, and import quotas among member countries to allow free trade.

Customs Union

Like free trade area, customs union focuses on abolishing tariffs, trade restrictions, customs duties and quotas between neighboring countries.

This sort of cooperation is defined in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).

Customs union is the third level of economic integration. Non-member states are required to pay standard external tariffs before trading with members of custom union.

This one-time payment is uniformly applied by member states to non-members.

European Union is one such example.

Single Market

Single market operates differently from FTA and customs union.

In such a scenario, the member state trade freely among them without any restrictions.

Goods here can be sold, distributed and consumed in any of the member states without restrictions.

This also applies to member country citizens, who are allowed to work in any of the member states without restrictions.

What Is Trade Protectionism In Relation To Free Trade Agreements?

Protectionism is a principle which aims to protect domestic industries from unfair foreign trade competition.

It is the direct opposite of free trade agreement and is often politically motivated by governments as a defense mechanism.

Protectionism can be achieved through; tariffs, subsidies, quotas and currency manipulation.

How Does Trade Protectionism Work Without Affecting Free Trade Agreements?

Governments use the following methods to enact their protectionism:

Use Tariffs In Imports

The fastest way of enacting protectionism by a country is through tax imports.

What this does is to raise the cost of imported goods, making domestic goods competitive price wise.

Since consumer are directly affected by tariffs, they naturally shift to local products hence reducing demands on imports.

Subsidies On Local Industries

Subsidy is defined as a grant offered to businesses by governments in order to promote certain activities.

Subsidies can be in form of cash, grants, tax credits or direct payment.

Subsidies usually work to the disadvantage of certain businesses, industries, etc.

Common form of subsidy is the farm subsidies which allow farmers to lower the price of their produce locally.

This also makes them competitive in the global market when they export goods.

This strategy is applied by countries that heavily rely on export for their economic growth.

Currency Manipulation

This form of protectionism involves deliberate lowering of a country’s currency value by accruing huge debts or having fixed exchange rates.

What this method does is to make your exported goods cheaper in the global market making you competitive.

The drawback on this method is retaliation from other countries, resulting to currency war.

Enforce Quota On Imports

Quotas involve restriction on the amount of goods that can be imported within a given period.

Once a country achieves its quota allocation, they can’t export more goods no matter how low the price is.

What Is The Difference Between Comparative And Absolute Advantage In Free Trade Agreements?

Comparative advantage is the ability of a company to produce same products and services than its trading partners.

Absolute advantage is whereby a company or a country can produce more of the same goods and services as another entity.

Absolute company leverages on less inputs or efficient processes than another similar entity to achieve their goal.

How Does Comparative Advantage Relate To Free Trade Agreement?

Comparative advantage leverages on lower opportunity cost in order to achieve higher profit margins. Free trade agreement borrows for the same policy when it eliminates trade barriers and tariffs for trading partners.

They achieve this by encouraging countries to produce goods and services they specialize while maximizing efficiency and output.

The home country in turn imports goods and services that are not their specialty.

Why Isn’t There Complete Free Trade In The World?

It is hard to achieve complete free trade in the world due to “rent seeking” by individual countries.

Rent seeking is whereby countries lobbies for protection from their respective governments for their own interest.

This makes it hard for trading partners to trade fairly with such conditions.

When it comes to shipping from China, Tj chinafreight will handle all your freight forwarding needs – contact us now.

Full Truckload: The Ultimate FAQ Guide

I know you’re probably wondering what full truckload is.

Or, you would like to learn more about full truckload.

Whichever the case, this guide will answer all your questions about full truckload.

So, keep reading to learn more.

What Is FTL (Full Truckload)?

Full truckload refers to when a single truck is dedicated to hauling a specific type of cargo. It mostly happens in situations when a shipper would like to send to his clients.

A large volume of goods is sufficient to fill up a truckload.

Full truckload is the transportation of foods of a single type using a truck. It is also used in cases where the shipper possesses more than a single type of cargo.

To ship, but it is safe to transport them together.

What Types Of Goods Are Transported By Full Truckload?

Full truckload tends to be suitable for homogenous shipping goods.

However, there might be exceptions, for example, where different goods are shipped together in a full truckload.

This care should be implemented to ensure that they are compatible to be carried in the same container.

In a case where shippers need to transport goods that cannot be mixed with others, FTL is needed. They tend to prefer shipping them in the form of a full truckload.

Goods that are sensitive to temperature variations also tend to be shipped as a full truckload. Breakbulk cargo is another type of good that tends to be transported as a full truckload.

What Are The Advantages Of Shipping Full Truckload?

Some of the advantages of shipping your goods as a full truckload include:

  • When the volume of the goods is more than half or almost reaching a truckload. It is economical and efficient to hire a full container.
  • You will be able to benefit from favorable rates which are offered by transporters of the full truckload.
  • Using a full truckload will enable you to get a single consignment from a shipper. This will help you cut down a lot of costs.
  • Shipments in a full truckload can be packed inside a container according to the specifications that you desire. This will help prevent potential damage while the goods are in transit to your point of delivery.
  • Full truckload tends to be safer in shipping your goods than other types of shipments like LCL shipping.
  • It entails less handling of cargo as cargo is only handled at the loading point and final destination. This also ensures their reduction in the potential cause of damage to your cargo.
  • In full truckload, the operation tends to occur from point to point. There will be no need for stops to offload or load some cargo on the way. This will ensure that your goods reach faster as compared to other shipping methods.

When Should I Use Full Truckload?

You should use full truckload when:

  • You require to ship very many pallets, which are over 12 at a single time.
  • The products you would like to ship are delicate or fragile.
  • You require pickup and delivery appointments by firms.
  • The time needed for delivery of your products is very sensitive.
  • When you require to cut down on shipping costs which are a large amount of freight, a full truckload is cost-effective when shipping goods in large quantities.
  • You require special handling services for your cargo, for example, a flatbed or a refrigerated shipping container.
  • Your cargo is of very high value because a full truckload eliminates the chances of it being stolen.

What Are The Types Of Full Truckload Shipping Services?

Some of the full truckload shipping services include:

Dry Van (Enclosed) Trailer

They are suitable for protecting cargo from elements that are harmful because of weather and road conditions.

Refrigerated (Reefer) Trailer

These are temperature-controlled and are good for the transportation of foods that are cold or frozen.

Due to the additional fuel required to control the temperature, these shipping services tend to be relatively costlier than other available options.

Flatbed Carriers:

These are open bed trailers that are versatile and are mostly used to transport cargo. That is large, for example, construction and manufacturing equipment.

Step Deck Trailer:

These shipping services resemble flatbed carrier designs and are mainly used in freight transportation with very high restrictions.

Removable Gooseneck (RGN) Trailer

It is a popular selection for freight that is long or tall because of its detachable front. It makes it possible to be dropped to the ground to form a ramp.

How Does Less Truckload Differ From Truckload Freight?

LTL differs from truckload freight in the following ways:

Transit Time And Handling

LTL shipping tends to combine shipments from multiple clients so that your freight is not the only one in the truck.

Space and cost will be shared with other company’s freight and will make several stops between different terminals during the shipping.

Truckload freight, on the other hand, entails only your freight on the truck.

The Carrier will only make a pickup at the point of origin, and his only stop will be at the destination point.

Weight And Shipment Size

LTL shipments tend to typically range between one and six pallets weight from 200 to 5000 pounds. Freight in LTL takes up less than 12 linear feet of the trailer.

Truckload freight shipment tends to range between 24 to 30 pallets and above.

Truckload freight ensures that the space your shipment occupies in the truck tends to have more impact than weight.

Therefore, truckload freight commonly tends to range from 5,000 pounds to 45,000 pounds and above.


Pricing is the most vivid difference between truckload and LTL.

The pricing for LTL is regulated by National Motor Freight Traffic Association (NMFTA).

It tends to classify freight basing on its density, commodity, and ease of transportation.

LTL carriers tend to have standard pricing rates, which are established by your origin and destination points.

Your freight class will depend on the amount of space occupied in the truck and the accessories required.

Truckload shipping services freight prices, on the other hand, are dependent on the market. The negotiations for the cost happen whenever needed over the phone or through email because there are no pre-established rates.

The truckload freight rates tend to fluctuate even at times by the week, day, or even hour. Some of the factors that result in changes in pricing include; weight, truck capacity, location, origin and destination points, shipping lane or route, and fuel costs of operation.

Reefer Availability

LTL refrigerated shipments tend to be more difficult to secure and get than dry van LTL shipments. Lanes and temperatures determine most carriers for LTL freight.

In truckload freight, the reefer trailers and containers are readily available, and the temperature can range from o to 70 degrees. Your shipment can move on whichever schedule and temperature that you desire.

Are There Similarities Between Less Truckload and Full Truckload?

Some of the similarities between LTL and FTL shipping:

  • They both transport freight over the road. However, some LTL carriers tend to make use of rail shipping in the movement of your freight.
  • Both make use of semi-trucks.
  • They need drivers who are well qualified and possess a commercial driver’s license.
  • LTL and FTL are shipping both ship freight that is palletized.

What Is The Maximum Full Truckload Capacity?

The maximum full truckload capacity commonly ranges between 5,000 pounds to 45,000 pounds and above.

How Many Pallets Can You Ship In Full Truckload?

A full truckload can ship pallets ranging between 24 to 3o and above.

Can I Optimize My LTL Shipments Into Full Truckload Shipment? How?

Yes, you can optimize your LTL shipments into full truckloads to reduce transportation costs and improve truck usage.

Optimization will also help you to reduce the number of deliveries, empty mileage, and damage risk.

Some of how you can optimize full truckloads include:

  • First, you will need to split up large volumes from a supplier to a producer into FTLs. When this step is carried out effectively, the transportation costs will be reduced.There will be extra space in the truck.A reduced number of deliveries and a reduced risk of cargo damage.
  • The second step will be giving full truckload resources to reduce the time or empty mileage from one delivery location.That is to the following location for loading.This will ensure the satisfaction of all provided requirements.

What Are The Benefits Of Optimizing Less Than Truckloads To A Full Truckload?

Optimizing less than truckloads to a full truckload makes it possible to achieve results that are beneficial and optimal and reduces:

  • The risk of management is due to shipping little air in the truck.
  • Costs of transporting your cargo.
  • The number of your deliveries
  • Empty mileage
  • Less C02 emissions thus reduce the impact on the environment.

Do Full Truckload Drivers Load Freight?

No, FTL drivers do not load freight onto the truck. In full truckload, the transport operator tends to load the cargo at the point of origin and seal the truck.

The FTL drivers are obliged to transport your freight from the point of origin to the destination point.

Which Factors Affect The Cost Of Full Truckload Freight Shipping?

Some of the factors which affect the cost of FTL freight shipping include:

  1. The availability of the trucking lane
  2. Lead time
  3. Mileage
  4. Fuel costs
  5. Seasonality
  6. Type of truck or trailer that you need

Which Accessorial Charges Are Common With Full Truckload Shipping?

In full truckload, you mostly have the attention undivided by a driver throughout the entire shipping process.

Full truckload carriers are a little bit more considerate with accessorial charges.

The accessorial charges tend to be about 15 minutes of detention or driver assistance in transit, which will last three days.

Can I Negotiate Full Truckload Shipping Costs?

Yes, you can negotiate shipping costs for a full truckload with your service provider.

This is because the truck will entirely transport your cargo, and FTL will help reduce transportation costs. The volume of your products can fill it up.

How Can I Avoid Surcharges And Accessorial Costs In Full Truckload Freight Shipping?

FTL freight shipping may be simple and a positive experience, but at times. It may result in shippers making small errors which may cost them.

When you give shipment information that is inaccurate or uncertain, you may be surprised by accessorial charges to your freight.

Potential fuel surcharges tend to affect the cost of FTL freight shipping.

Since the market price of fuel tends to influence this variable, logistics carriers tend to increase or lower.

It is regularly based on the average price of fuel.

You can avoid surcharges and accessorial costs in FTL freight by following some simple steps, which include:

  • Prepare your shipment on time: Due to the restricted hours of service for drivers, there is reduced time for waiting on shipping.Therefore, you should ensure that your cargo is packed and fully prepared on the scheduled pickup date and time.This will not only ensure that you save on your budget.But also strengthen your relationship with all the third parties in the logistics process.
  • Be aware of additional services: Most of the time, surcharges and accessorial costs tend to be imposed for additional services.There are a lot of extra services which carriers can offer. If you do not control them and they will charge you later.These include limited access delivery, liftgate service, hazardous material shipping, inside delivery, and others.Therefore, if you need cargo delivered or picked to a remote location or require loading equipment.This ensures that you discuss with the Carrier earlier.
  • Provide accurate information: To avoid surcharges and accessorial costs. It is important to give the correct information about your shipment.Ensure that you give accurate weight, dimensions, and other load characteristics of your cargo that may affect your final shipment.It is also important to ensure that you provide an accurate address and giving many delivery details as possible.

What Are The Key Considerations When Choosing A Full Truckload Shipping Company?

Some of the key considerations when choosing a truckload shipping company include:

  • Total mileage: The distance that shipments cover is an important consideration when selecting a truckload shipping company.Truckload shipping companies tend to charge more for longer distances due to increased fuel usage and travel time.
  • Trucking lanes: Trucking lanes used by the shipping company will affect the total costs you will have to incur when selecting truckload shipping companies.It is essential to select companies that ship products in your origin and destination routes to ensure convenience.
  • Customer service history and proof of reliability: It is important to know what the customers are saying about the truckload shipping company before engaging them in business.They should also demonstrate that they will be able to deliver your cargo promptly.
  • Technological advancement and utilization: Selecting truckload shipping companies that have embraced technological advancement and strive to deliver efficient services. A good truckload shipping company will tend to use technology to cut down the operation costs.

Are My Shipments Insured When Shipping Full Truckload?

Yes, full truckload shipping makes it possible for you to have insurance options to ensure the safety of your cargo while it is being shipped.

It is important to ensure that anything can happen to your cargo while on the road; thus, it is important to secure it with the necessary precautions.

What Are The Policies For Shipping Valuable Goods Via Full Truckload?

When shipping valuable goods using FTL, here are some of the policies which you should observe:

  • Protect all cargo: It is important to ensure that you use the correct packaging to make sure that the valuable goods arrive in the right condition.This is essential because in case of damage while the valuable goods are in transit.It may result in the incurrence of void carrier liability coverage.
  • Prepare for loading and unloading: Packing valuable goods in the full truckload tends to be the shipper’s responsibility.Ensure that you plan the layout of your load and coordinate between the point of origin and destination.
  • Give accurate information: It is important to state the exact rates and transit times needed for your valuable goods.To make it easy to plan for your shipment.You should provide the correct information on the sizes, dimensions, and weight of your freight, as this will ensure efficient delivery.

What Are The Timelines In Full Truckload Shipping?

The transit times in full truckload are very fast as your shipment goes straight to your drop-off destination.

It also makes it easy and meaningful to track the driver.

As they will arrive within the estimated arrival time stated in your Transport Management System (TMS).

Full truckload ensures that no delays are resulting from multiple stops along the way to your destination.

When using full truckload shipping, it is important to state clearly the timelines that you need your shipment to arrive.

Do Full Truckload Carriers Offer Expedited Shipping?

Yes, full truckload carriers do offer expedited shipping to ensure they help you accomplish your goal.

There is always a tremendous amount of lead-time in cases of shipment, which is critical.

In such cases, expedited shipping will let you know what you are dealing with as soon as possible.

This will give you a chance to make proper arrangements to ensure that your shipment arrives in the appropriate manner and time.

Full truckload carriers will help in the delivery of your goods at the last minute.

Where you have a delivery of high profile that needs to be delivered within a short timeline, expedited shipping is offered. A full truckload carrier will offer you a helping hand.

How Does Full Truck Load Compare To FCL?

Full container load (FCL) refers to when you purchase the entire space inside a container.

FCL is very important for sizeable and large volume shipments, and most companies select it.

Full truckload (FTL) requires the entire space to fulfill your shipment, and the cargo will entirely consist of your goods.

FTL gives you a very great level of control over the entire shipment process.

As the truck is entirely dedicated to you and the driver only makes necessary stops.

FTL is a faster process in which you will encounter very few problems throughout the entire process.

What Are The Drawbacks Of Full Truckload Shipping?

FTL shipping has very few drawbacks, some of which include:

  • While you can fill a full truckload shipment primarily, at the time, you cannot manage.In such cases, you will have to incur a greater average price based on the total cost of each item delivered.
  • You will be required to agree to delivery schedules that are fixed and determine by the Carrier of your cargo.This is because drivers tend to go in one route, and thus you must fit with their delivery schedule.

At Tj chinafreight, we will help you in all shipping from China.

For any inquiries about full truckload shipping, contact us now.


This guide gives you answers to all your burning questions about FBA ID.

So, if you want to learn more about FBA ID, read this guide.

What Is FBA ID?

FBA stands for ‘fulfilment by Amazon’ and it is a service from amazon that helps sellers to store, package and ship their products.

The FBA ID is an identification number that is assigned to shipments that fall under FBA shipments.

If the seller decides to split a shipment into different portions, each portion will carry its own FBA ID. Every shipment that has an FBA ID goes to an FBA warehouse for storage and packaging.

Why Does Amazon Need Shipment ID?

In cases where a seller’s shipment is divided into portions, each portion gets a different shipment ID. The ID is unique to the particular shipment and helps amazon determine what warehouse your package goes to.

The shipment ID allows amazon to identify what you are shipping, in order to send it to the right warehouse location.

Is There Difference Between Amazon Shipment ID And Amazon Reference ID?

The amazon shipment ID and reference ID mean the same thing.

They are a string of identification numbers that amazon assigns to FBA shipments to help identify the shipments at the warehouse.

How Do I Find My Amazon Reference ID?

Once you set up your shipment on the amazon seller central website, you can find your reference ID on the website in 3 easy to follow steps.

The first step is to click on ‘replenish inventory’ on the website.

At the bottom of the page that opens up, click on ‘work on shipment’. This is step 2

The ‘work on shipment’ page is where you will find your amazon reference ID and FBA ID.

For every ‘work on shipment’ you will find a reference ID and an FBA ID as well.

When Will I Need To Use An FBA ID?

Your FBA ID needs to be on needs to be on your amazon shipping label, for easy identification purposes.

How Do I Manage My FBA Shipment?

In order to create and manage your FBA shipment, you need to first create a shipping plan.

The shipping plan notes what products you’re shipping to amazon and their quantities.

The shipping plan also identifies the method of shipping and what carrier you decide to use.

To manage your shipment, you go the ‘manage inventory’ page and then the ‘send/replenish inventory’ to choose the items you want to ship.

After creating the shipping plan, the next thing is to verify your shipping address, then how you want to package your goods.

You can then manage your shipment and input whatever information you want on the amazon seller central website.

Can I Deliver To Amazon FBA By Myself?


A seller cannot deliver to amazon FBA by themselves. The seller cannot choose which warehouse their goods go to as well.

You can only use trucking firms, FEDEX, UPS and the likes, but only when you book an appointment.

You can learn more about Shipping to Amazon FBA.

How Do I Create an Amazon Shipment Plan?

Before shipping your goods through amazon FBA, you need to first create a shipment plan.

You can do this by following the steps below:


The first step is to go to the ‘manage inventory’ page and select the products you want to ship.

In selecting your products, you do not need to divide them according to their SKUs.

If you split your shipment by SKU, amazon might spread them across more fulfilment centers than needed.


The next step is to go the ‘send/replenish inventory’ page from the menu and then select ‘create new shipping plan’


After creating a new shipping plan, the next step is to choose the address from which you will ship your goods.

This address should be that of the warehouse from where amazon will move your goods to the fulfilment center.

Sometimes, amazon assigns your goods to a fulfilment center depending on what ‘ship from’ address you choose.


The next step is to go to the ‘continue to shipping plan’ page. After this, you set the quantity of goods you want to ship to amazon.


You then proceed to prepare the goods for FBA shipping, and label the products accordingly.


The next step is to go to the ‘review/view shipments’ page to see what fulfilment center amazon assigns to you.


After getting your amazon fulfilment center, the next step is to review all your shipment details before approving the shipment plan.


The next step is then for you to approve the shipment plan. After creating your shipment plan, the next step is to go to the ‘prepare shipment’ page.

The final thing to do is to select your final delivery method.

Can I Have Multiple FBA Locations In One Shipment?

Yes! You can have multiple FBA locations in one shipment.

For every FBA location, you get a different FBA ID, so one shipment can have multiple FBA IDs as well.

How Can I Send My Shipment To One Amazon Fulfilment Center?

You can send your shipment to one center by signing up for the amazon’s “inventory placement service”.

Although this does not guarantee that amazon still won’t split your shipment to different centers.

This service allows amazon to assign different units of the same product to one fulfilment center.

Can I Choose Which Fulfilment Center My Shipment Gets Sent To?

No, you cannot choose the fulfilment center. Amazon alone determines which fulfilment center to send your products.

What Is The Difference Between FBA ID And the Amazon Ship-to-Warehouse Code?

The FBA ID is the string of numbers that amazon assigns to your products to show that they are FBA products.

Besides, the ship-to-warehouse code on the other hand consists of a combination of letters and a number.

The letters in the code represent the location of the warehouse designated for your products.

Does Changing My Inventory Placement Option Affect Any In-Progress Shipments To Amazon FBA?

Changing your inventory placement option does not affect shipments that are already in progress.

The only shipments that an inventory placement option change affects, are shipments that come after you make the change.

You can add the changes to your ‘in-progress’ shipments by deleting your shipping plan and recreating it after changing your settings.

To recreate your shipping plan, you need to follow the steps below:

  • Go to ‘shipping queue’
  • Click on ‘deleted’ then choose the shipping plan you want
  • Go to the ‘send/replenish inventory’ page, and click on ‘duplicate’

Taking the above steps helps you to include your current shipments in your new inventory placement option.

What Is The Amazon FBA Shipment Preparation Process?

Different products require different process to prepare them for amazon FBA shipping.

You can either opt for amazon to prep your products for shipment or prep them by yourself.

Here is a list of common products and their preparation process:

Loose Products

  • You have to package all parts of the product as one unit. For example, books with multiple volumes have to be in one single package.
  • You cannot ship products that have multiple parts for amazon to assemble as one unit
  • If the product is footwear, you have to package it in polybag or a shoebox to prevent any part of the shoe showing.

Sold As Set

  • For items that come in a set, you have to label them accordingly to ensure that they sell them as a unit. Labels such as ‘sold as set do not separate’.

Boxed Units

  • The box must have six sides
  • You must seal the lid or opening of the box tightly, either with duct tape or other adhesives.
  • The box must be strong enough to withstand slight pressure on any of its sides
  • Boxes with perforated sides or openings undergo a drop test. If the product fails the drop test, you put it in a polybag with a warning label on it.

Polybagged Products

  • Polybags that have large openings must come with a warning label against suffocation to avoid amazon re-bagging them.
  • The warning label must be prominent on the bag and in legible font size
  • The polybag has to be 1.5 millimeter thick
  • All polybags must be transparent and have a barcode that you can scan through the bag.
  • You must seal the polybags totally
  • The polybag must not be more than 3 inches bigger than the measurements of the product
  • You have to package adult products with dark colored or opaque polybags
  • If the product is highly scented, you have to seal the bag tightly to prevent the scent from entering other products

Bubble Wrap

  • You have to wrap the package tightly to keep the product from falling out.
  • There has to be a barcode that you can scan on the outside of the bubble wrap
  • Packages in bubble wrap must pass through a drop test from a 3-foot distance.


Certain products need extra packaging apart from the package they have already. That is, some products need to be put in boxes even if they come in boxes from the manufacturer.

These products include:

  • Items with sharp edges that can tear through their wrapping material
  • Fragile items that did not pass the 3-foot drop test with bubble wrap or that require extra carefulness to handle
  • Vinyl records
  • Liquids with dangerous chemical contents that come in glass containers more than 4.2 ounce

Removal Of Hanger

You have to remove the hangers of most clothing items before shipping them. Items like accessories, shorts, socks, swimwear, underwear, hosiery and hats.

There are some exceptions to this rule though. Those items that have to remain on their hangers for shipping include:

  • Expensive dresses that cost more than $299.99 or contain embellishments or fragile material that cannot be stored flat.
  • Suit jackets, suits or blazers
  • Other expensive clothing item like sleepwear, pants or shirts that cost more than $299.99 each.
  • Clothing with expensive material like leather and fur.


Some products require extra tape around them asides the regular tape from the manufacturer.

Items that require extra taping include:

  • Products that are loosely packed inside their boxes and may fall out without the extra tape
  • Liquid products that require extra taping on their lids to prevent leakage


  • You have to package the mattresses inside corrugated boxes
  • Classify the mattresses appropriately when setting up new ASINs. Under home & kitchen, go to furniture, then bedroom furniture, mattresses & box springs, and finally, mattresses.

Products In Cases

  • All products in one box must come in uniform packaging and condition
  • Boxes containing the same product must always have same quantities of the products in individual boxes.
  • You cannot have more than 150 units of products per case
  • The fulfillment center does not need to scan all of the boxes since they all have uniform contents.
  • If the manufacturer has cause too package more than one case pack in a bigger box, they need to separate the box from the rest.
  • The cases must not have any bar codes on them. Only the contents should have bar codes.

Expiration Dates

  • The format for printing expiration dates is MM-DD-YYYY or just MM-YYYY.
  • You have to print the expiration dates on both the outer box and the individual units as well
  • Any extra wrap or boxes must have the expiry dates for easy access at check-in

Other shipment preparation process that you should note are:

  • You cannot send publicity materials such as tags, pamphlets or pre-priced label, as amazon will not accept them.
  • For safety purposes and to prevent accidents, use only safety knives during product prep and packaging.

What Are The Labelling Requirements For Amazon FBA Shipments?

Amazon FBA shipments come with different labels, depending on your final delivery method. They can have FNSKU labels, FedEx carton labels, FBA carton labels or pallet labels.

  • FNSKU labels: every product on amazon must have an FNSKU label to mark it as unique to its seller. This label type is put on individual product units and not on the packaging as a whole.
  • FBA carton labels: you generate this label on the amazon seller central website. Shipments that have multiple FBA IDs will also have multiple FBA labels. It is your responsibility to get this label to your supplier so that they can label your shipment(s) appropriately at origin.
  • Pallet labels are applicable for shipments that you choose to palletize or that need to be palletized for shipping. If you decide to use pallets to transport your goods, you need to label them accordingly.

Different products have different labels depending on who your supplier is, and who delivers the products to amazon for you.

What Is A ‘Ship From Address’ In Amazon FBA Shipping?

A ‘ship from address’ is the address of the warehouse from which you ship your goods to amazon fulfilment centers. The FBA center that amazon assigns to you is sometimes determined by your ‘ship from address’.

What Documentations Do I Need To Provide My Forwarder When Shipping To Amazon FBA?

The documents you need to give to your freight forwarder to ship to amazon FBA include:

  • Commercial invoice: a commercial invoice is an important document for customs clearance. It usually contains every detail about the sender and the receiver. The commercial invoice also has the full description of every item in the shipment.
  • Bill of lading: this document is also called air waybill when you use air freight to deliver. Amazon will give you this bill of lading to acknowledge receipt of your shipment, then you can forward to your freight forwarder.
    The bill of lading also contains description of your goods, the weight, number of boxes, etc.
  • Certificate of origin: you need to state what country manufactured the products. That is what a certificate of origin contains. It could also contain other information like the destination of the products and countries of export.
  • Packing list: this document provides packaging details for your freight forwarder. The dimensions of the package and its weight are also information that the packing list contains.
  • Shipper’s letter of instruction: the SLI is like an instruction manual from you, the sender, to your freight forwarder. You can include any extra handling instructions and information about your shipment destination in this document.
  • Booking confirmation: this document is to confirm that the freight forwarder is processing your shipment order. The booking confirmation document is mostly for transparency and clarity purposes.
  • Material safety data sheet (for hazardous goods): the MSDS is only necessary if you are shipping harmful chemicals. The document contains all details about the properties of the chemicals, how harmful they are and their reactions with the environment.
  • Letter of credit: this document is issued by a bank on behalf of the buyer. It is like a guarantor’s note from the bank stating that the bank will take responsibility if the buyer defaults.

What Is The Transit Time For Shipment From Destination To Amazon FBA?

The transit times for different shipments can best be explained by the images below:

How Can I Track My Shipments To Amazon FBA?

To track your shipments, go to the amazon seller central portal, then click on inventory. When the drop down menu shows, select ‘manage FBA shipment’.

You can also track individual SKUs through the ‘manage FBA shipment’ tab as well.

Is Amazon Reference ID Same As Tracking ID?

The amazon reference ID is the identification number that allows amazon to identify shipments that are FBA.

Each FBA shipment has a unique tracking ID that you use to monitor the movement of your shipment.

What Happens If I Don’t Ship Products As Stated In My Approved FBA Shipping Plans?

You have to ship your products according to your approved FBA shipping plans. If you change any part of your shipping plan after shipping, amazon will notify you.

Amazon reserves the right to suspend you from sending your shipments to them if you default multiple times.

That is, if you keep shipping products without complying with the approved plan.

At Tj chinafreight, we can help you when shipping from China to Amazon FBA.

For any questions or inquiry, contact Tj chinafreight now.

Material Safety Data Sheet: The Ultimate FAQ Guide

All information you’re looking for about material safety data sheet is in this guide.

So, if you have any question about material safety data sheet (MSDS), you will find the answer right here.

Keep reading to learn more.

What Is An MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet)?

This is a safety document that contains extensive details and comprehensive information regarding a particular product.

The material safety data sheet contains information relating to;

  • Emergency control measures.
  • Instructions for safe handling, storage, and use of these products.
  • Chemical properties
  • Physical properties.
  • Health effects as a result of exposure to these products.

You can write, print, or write the material safety data sheet and it must meet WHIMS legislation regulations.

This means it should meet content requirements, availability, and design.

What Is The Purpose Of An MSDS Sheet?

The main aim/purpose of the material safety data sheet is to provide all necessary information about a product that is under transportation.

This means transporting the product to only an authorized person and also safe handling.

Normally the content you find in these material safety data sheets varies depending on the nature of the product that manufacturers provide.

There is no limitation to the information you can include on the material safety data sheet.

The material safety data sheet also contains the following information;

  • The safe handling procedures.
  • The reactivity of the product. Storage of the product and proper disposal.
    This especially happens for hazardous products.
  • Physical properties of this product such as the boiling point.
  • The first aid procedures
  • The toxicity of the product.
  • Preventative measures.

Which Product Need Material Safety Data Sheets?

It is important to have a material safety data sheet for all the potentially hazardous chemicals. This is a recommendation by the OSHA hazard communication standard.

Additionally, the safety data sheet ensures that all employees working in environments with chemical hazards have all information.

This allows them to safely use, handle and store these chemicals appropriately.

Under the model work health and safety, there is no need of preparing the material safety data sheet.

Some of the documents you do not need to prepare include;

  • Hazardous chemicals in portable fire-fighting or medical equipment for use in workplaces.
  • Portable liquids that are consumer products at premises of work.
  • Therapeutic products at the point of international intake by or administration to humans.
  • Fuel in fuel containers of a domestic or portable fuel-burning appliance where the quantity of fuel does not exceed 25 liters.
  • Chemicals in batteries while you incorporate them in a plant.
  • Products made out of tobacco products.
  • Veterinary chemicals at the point of administration to animals.

When Were MSDS Introduced?

During the nineteenth century, facts have determined the manufacturers were supplying some sort of datasheet to clients.

The issuing of this datasheet would either be by demand or tagging along with the client’s products.

This means the first parameters of MSDS have been dealt with.

A good example of the earliest MSDS has been written by the valentine and company of 1906.

During this period, it was hard to reconstruct the MSDS due to the following factors;

  • Existence of information on manicures files on early datasheet which they seem too reluctant to part with it.
  • The constant habits of chemists to dispose of old datasheets while new ones appear.

What Are The Sections Of MSDS?

The original version of the material safety data sheet contains so many formats as the manufacturers would find.

This as result confuses and lost time in the event the employees in them the most.

To cab, these regulatory authorities prescribe the use of a 16-section format.

These regulatory authorities include OSHA and Globally harmonized system structure of safety data sheets.

Below is a breakdown of sections of the material safety data sheet;

Section 1 to 8 of the safety data sheet contains more critical information on;

  • Emergency times
  • Manufacturer and the response emergency contact.
  • Hazard details.
  • Chemical composition.
  • Safe handling practices as well as emergency control measures.

Example fire-fighting.

Section 9,11 and 16 normally contains technical information which is inclusive of;

  • Chemicals and physical properties.
  • Reactivity and stability information.
  • Exposure control information.

Section 12 to 15 contains information on;

  • Environmental impacts.
  • Product disposal considerations.
  • Transport and regulatory information.

The numbering and heading of these sections should remain with high consistency that the globally harmonized system structure of SDS format.

How Do I Get An MSDS Sheet?

You can request or acquire the material safety data sheet for the supplier, manufacturer, or the importers of hazard chemicals.

Most cases, manufacturers and suppliers produce the material safety data sheet electronically where you can access them on their websites.

Supply of material safety data sheets to workplaces can be done under the following conditions;

  • When you first supply hazardous chemicals to a workplace.
  • First-time supply of hazardous chemicals after the amendment of the material safety data sheet.

The supply of hazardous chemicals to workplaces occurs for the first time every five years.

When Is The Manufacturer Supposed To Supply An MSDS?

Manufacturers should include information on hazardous chemicals on the material safety data sheet.

The manufacturer will supply these MSDS to customers if it is their first time purchasing the product.

This allows the user to be aware of possible accidents and preventative measures to take.

Is There A Difference Between An MSDS And SDS?

There are the various distinctive differences you find between the material safety data sheet and safety data sheet.

These differences include;

MSDS is a safety document that contains comprehensive information regarding a certain product.

SDS is a document that works in alignment with a globally harmonized system.

It requires manufacture, distributors, and imports to downstream users.

Material safety data sheet comes in a different format making it hard to impose regulations. Hears, using the safety data sheet makes it easier for employees to find the information they need regarding the chemicals.

There is no review of the MSDS making it hard for the employees to interpret.

The SDS is simpler and more effective as a result of OSHA standardization allowing it to work with globally harmonized system.

This allows the employees to quickly find the information they need about the chemical.

The safety data sheet is user-friendly and contains standards such as the use of a 16-section format.

Unlike the MSDS which have only 9 sections which have a great variance in structure and information.

The safety data sheet uses signal words such as warning, danger to provide instructions to the employees.

On the other handmade does not use any signal words.

Where Can I Find MSDS And SDS On The Internet?

There are several internet sites that you can find material safety data sheets and safety data sheets.

They include;

  • SDS pro
  • ChemExper
  • University of Akron
  • Conform-Action Data System.
  • Chemical safety software
  • MSDS online by VelocityESH.

The above is just the general internet sites.

You can look further on internet websites such as

  • Government and non-profit sites.
  • Chemical manufacturers and supplier’s sites.
  • Pesticides (insecticide, nematicides, fungicides) including fertilizers sites.

Can I Re-Use An MSDS In Shipping HAZMAT?

HAZMAT is also known as a hazardous material.

These are solids, liquids, or even gas that can cause harm to humans, organisms, property if they are not kept well.

Such materials include batteries, perfume, and paint among others.

You can use the same material safety data sheet recurrently if the shipment of the hazardous materials is still the same.

For instance, you can re-use the MSDS for lithium batteries in various ways as long as you use the same lithium batteries.

You will need to provide the material safety data sheet for every single shipment to prove there are no changes in the hazardous material.

You should ensure proper packaging, labeling and provide all the documentation.

These documentations guarantee the shipping of these hazardous materials.

How Do I Manage Material Safety Data Sheet?

The hazard communication standard requires that you provide all employees with information about chemicals they interact with.

To manage material safety data sheet ensure you;

  • Maintain hazard communication program that entails the plans in place of handling these chemicals.
  • Maintain a written chemical record of the hazardous chemicals available in the facility.
  • Ensure proper labeling and proper warning signs that associate with the chemicals you regard to be hazardous.
  • Provide training to employees on the chemical hazards and the available necessary precaution measures.

Are MSDS And SDS Interchangeable?

Yes, the Material safety datasheet and safety data sheet are interchangeable.

MSDS comes in different formats and styles amongst them being the 8 section OSHA material safety data sheet.

A globally harmonized system mandates the use of a single GHS format for safety data sheets contain 16 sections in an ordering format.

The sole purpose of both the MSDS and SDS is unchangeable.

They provide information on occupational health and the safety of using certain products or substances.

If you looking for information on products and what to do in case of exposure as a result of spillage, check on MSDS and SDS.

The globally harmonized system safety data sheet format is almost identical to that of the ANSI, even though there is a little modification.

Standard 16 section MSDS

Who Establishes the Requirements for MSDS And SDS?

The requirements for material safety data sheet and safety data sheet varies with regions.

For instance, the MSDS requirements vary from source to source in a country depending on national requirements.

But with the safety data sheet, the format requirement is standard internationally.

For instance, in Canada, the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System is responsible for establishing the SDSs

Are There Exemptions To MSDS And SDS Rules And Regulations?

Material safety data sheet and safety data sheet rules and regulations govern only products that meet the definition of being hazardous.

Additionally, these hazards are present in the workplaces and the employees are at greater risk due to these products’ exposure.

Anything else that does not pose an occupational health threat is exempt from MSDS and SDS rules and regulations.

The following are some of the items that exempted from the MSDS and SDS;


This means items that have already been manufactured.

These articles contain features such as;

  • The article is made of specific shapes and designs during manufacturing.
  • It has end-user functionality depending on part or whole shape or design during the end usage.
  • Article douse not release or result to exposure to hazardous chemicals on normal conditions

If any products that meet the definition of the article are exempt from these rules and regulations.

A good example is a copper electrical wire you find in most hardware they fit the definition of the article therefore, no need for SDS.

Unlike the copper wire ingots that are under shipment to the manufacturer do not meet the definition of the article and require SDS.

Food, Food Additives (Colors And Flavors), And Alcoholic Beverages.

Food and alcoholic beverages are exempt from the MSDS and SDS rules and regulations.

The most common ones are the ones we sell, use or prepare in retail establishments such as drinking places or grocery stores.

Additionally, food meant for employee consumption while in the workplace is also exempt from these rules and regulations.

Note, if on normal conditions the product results in hazardous exposure for employees handling the product, then there is a need for MSDS and SDS.

For instance, flour dust has a high possibility of explosion hazard therefore there is a need for MSDS and SDS.


Packaging of cosmetic products for consumer personal use or use in a retail establishment is exempt from MSDS and SDS rules.

This means is have a retail supermarket selling prepackaged cosmetics you do not need MSDS and SDS rules.

However, if you are selling in local salon shops you will need MSDS and SDS rules and regulations.

Drugs And Pharmaceuticals

There is an exemption of drugs under food and drug administration.

This means all solid drugs such as pills or tablets that you can directly administer to patients’ is an exemption by the FDA is the drug is;

  • In the solid form which you can administer directly to patients.
  • Packaging of drugs by chemical manufactures for sale to the consumer with retail establishments.
  • Drugs that are meant for consumption by the employees while still in the workplace such as first aid supplies.

If you are a pill manufacturing company you will need MSDS and SDS rules and regulations.

Tobacco And Tobacco Plant

Normally, the HazCom standards do not have any regulations on tobacco and tobacco plants.

Therefore, the material safety data sheet and safety data sheet rules are not applicable.

Hazardous Waste And Remediation

The Hazcom standards do not apply for;

Hazardous waste is a definition found in the solid waste disposal act.

Hazardous Substance.

Ensure proper labeling of these products to help your account for the waste materials.

For instance, a pant bottle with labeling unused thinner paint needs MSDS and SDS.

But if the labeling reads hazardous material it means its already a waste product

Wood And Lumber

HazCom standards do not apply to wood or wood products such as lumber.

This is because the manufacture cannot process it there are reasons of hazard such as combustion.

Wood preservatives pose a possible hazard therefore there is a need for MSDS and SDS rules and regulations.

What Is The Minimum Amount Of Material That Requires An MSDS?

The Hazcom standards do not have any specifications of the minimum amount of material that requires MSDS.

Normally, chemicals contain high concentration that is more dangerous even for an expose of a milligram.

You will find other chemicals with no these hazard effects.

It’s hard to sit down and determine the potential risk/toxicity of chemicals of over 114,000 chemicals compounds and their mixture.

With the exemption of only chemicals that release small quantities.

This means only a small trace is detectable from the hazardous chemicals when in use under normal conditions.

More so, the immediate emergency is a result of employees being exposed to these hazardous chemicals.

When determining the amount, it can also be relatively very low but cause great harm to the employee.

For instance, the release of gas content from the cylinder poses a high danger this is per the OSHA standards.

It states the release of ammonia gas as little as 2 ounces requires MSDS regulations.

In conclusion, you will require a material safety data sheet in all cases unless there is no like hood of any harm.

Who Can Write An MSDS?

Ideally, anyone is capable of writing the material safety data sheet.

To achieve this, you need to fill out all the OSHA requirements elements under Hazard Communication Standard.

Another determinant is whether you have enough skills to write a complete and accurate material safety data sheet.

With the implementation of the hazard communication standard 2012, there are tremendous changes such introduction of;

  • pictograms
  • Precautional statements
  • Signal words among others.

You can also hire professionals if you want MSDS that is a more complex one and also to reduce the hassle of writing without any knowledge.

Additionally, you can outsource the material safety data sheet if you are cannot capable of producing one that meets OSHA requirements.

What Should An MSDS Look Like?

MSDS hold contains all the relevant information despite the differences in structure organization.

It should contain hazardous information, recommendable exposure limits, physical properties, control methods and comply with regulations.

MSDS should be simple and easy to understand.

To achieve this avoid using jargon words that will confuse you.

Additionally, MSDS should contain accurately complete and up-to-date information.

What Language Does An MSDS Need To Be In?

Most of the countries have regulations regarding which language the material safety data sheet should be in.

The language should be the native language that the countries use.

For instance, in the U.S they use English; therefore, the MSDS should be in English.

The distributor or manufacturer of the product is responsible for writing the MSDS in the native language of that country.

This allows easy interpretation of the information by the employees working in workplaces with a high risk of exposure to these chemicals.

Are MSDSS Copyrighted?

It’s very hard to determine if the material safety data sheet is copyrightable.

Mostly, manufacturers or distributors must issue the MSDSs to employees at no cost.

This criterion reduces the need for copyrighting material safety data sheets.

With the OSH standards in place, a standard format and language are a necessity on the MSDS. This makes it impossible to have copyright enforcement.

It’s possible to argue that MSDS contain facts that do not guarantee enforceable copyright.

Provision of the MSDS for free by the manufactures makes it hard for them to prove if they experience a major blow.

This means someone else can use the idea without getting authorization from the manufacturer.

Inclusion of any original ideas or artwork on the MSDS requires you to copyright to prevent theft

Do I Need To Keep Copies Of MSDS S And SDSs?

You should keep all copies of the material safety data sheet and safety data sheet for the chemicals you have in the facility.

These copies of documents should be accessible to the employees who use, handle and store these chemicals.

Also, the emergency service employees or any other employee should have access to these copies easily.

There is a restriction on when to provide access to the material safety data sheet and safety data sheet copies.

This is under the Model WHS Regulations.

You should not give access to MSDS and SDS when;

  • Hazardous chemicals are under shipping.
  • If you have retail business and the hazardous chemical is a consumer product for supply. This means you shouldn’t open this chemical product.
  • Hazardous chemicals are consumer products with information on quantity usage, especially on household usage.

Do I Have To Use A Hardcopy Or Are Computer-Based MSDS S Acceptable?

Both of these options are acceptable by the hazard communication standard.

This permission comes with a condition of no hindrance should occur whether the employee is trying to access the copies.

The paperless compliance method is recommendable under the OSHA standards.

Because it’s performance-based just as the Hicom standards.

The OSHA standards require;

  • MSDS should be readily accessible to the employee with no hindrances.
  • Provide training to the employees on the use of these devices including available software.
  • Availability of adequate backup systems and written plans for use in case of emergency such as online access delays.
  • The system of electronic access which is a requirement in hazard communication program.
  • The immediate accessibility of hardcopy information by workers or response team if need be.

What Are The Penalties For Non-Compliance To MSDS Requirements?

Normally, full compliance to set standards involves employees dealing with the hazardous chemical have ease of access to MSDS information.

Failure to these results in serious violations such as;

  • Failure to provide the necessary material safety data sheet.
  • Failure to provide MSDS DURING THE TIME OF SHIPPING.
  • Failure to provide MSDS upon request.
  • Failure to make the MSDS readily available to the employees.
  • Failure to provide system back up especially when using the electronic access method to MSDS.

The maximum penalty by OSHA regulations for serious violations ranges from $7,00 to $12,471.

For willful violation, the penalty set by OSHA is $70,000 to $124,709.

How Can I Confirm The Accuracy Of An MSDS?

To check and confirm the accuracy of the material safety data sheet follow the following procedure;

  • Contact the manufacture and request for more accurate MSDS.
  • Ask the employer to obtain a more accurate MSDS.

The employer has the obligation of providing accurate MSDS to the employees.

They can request accurate MSDS from the manufacturer or the supplier.

  • Look out for the substance on the internet to get accurate information.
  • Contact your union for assistance in confirming the accuracy of the material safety data sheet.
  • Check on the hazardous chemical information system.

How Often Should MSDSs Be Reviewed?

Review of the MSDS normally takes place after every three years.

Availability of new information before elapsing of the 3 years requires the supplier to update MSDS and product label.

Unavailability of new information at the end of three years requires the supplier to;

  • Review the material safety data sheet.
  • Review the label for accuracy.
  • Revision of the MSDS where necessary.
  • Revise the preparation dates of the material safety data sheet.

Do Material Safety Data Sheet for Dangerous Goods and HAZMAT Need Official Approval?

Yes, official approval is mandatory for MSDS for dangerous goods and HAZMAT.

For instance, you will find food and food products are not exempt under hazard communication standards.s

This means if under normal condition use, these products result in hazard exposure to employees using it there is the involvement of MSDS rules.

Do Material Safety Data Sheet Expire?

OSHA requirements for the manufacturer or suppliers are to write or outsource material safety data sheets.

This is inclusive of all hazardous chemicals they import or produce.

The MSDS you be in the first shipment of these products.

If there is any update on the MSDS it should be sent within 3 months of the new information regarding the hazardous chemicals.

From the above information, it’s clear MSDS do expire.

This expiration is dependent on new information regarding hazardous chemicals.

How Often Does MSDS Need to Be Updated/Replaced?

Update of the material safety data sheet depends on whether you are a manufacturer or an end-user.

If you are a manufacturer the following are the OSHA requirements you should adhere to regarding updates of MSDS;

When writing the MSDS ensures all the information is the same as the scientific evidence behind the classification of the chemicals.

If there is new information you should include it on the MSDS.

This may include new preventative measures or new chemical hazards.

This update takes place after every three months.

If you are an end-user, you have the responsibility of always having the latest version.

This information should be readily available to all the employees in workplaces.

If you do not have the latest version, request your supplier to issue one to you.

At Tj chinafreight, we will help you in all shipping from China.

Contact us now for all freight forwarding services from China.

National Export System: The Ultimate FAQ Guide

This guide will answer all your questions on the National Export Systems (NES).

So if you have any questions about NES, read this guide.

What Is The National Export System?

This is a computer-generated system that allows for the electronic export declaration of your goods.

You need to have this system if you are planning to export from the UK.

Its operation is within the guidelines of a national electronic CHIEF (customs handling of import and export freight) system.

What Are The Functions Of NES In UK Export?

There are different functions that NES performs when it comes to UK export. For instance, it is useful in the submission of all the information regarding your export.

This helps in the customs declaration and subsequent clearance by the customs authorities. It is also one of the documents you need when exporting restricted goods from the UK.

You have to indicate the license number for these goods on the NES before exporting them. NES also helps in understanding the trade volume between the UK and other countries.

This is because you have to indicate the country you are exporting your goods to on the NES. This is critical in helping the trade department analyze its trading volume with the partners.

Another function of NES is to calculate the value of your export. This is by submitting this value on the NES form.

This is vital for the customs clearance of your goods by the customs authorities.

Do I Need To Register For NES Export?

It is mandatory to register for NES export if you export your goods to countries outside the EU.

This is through applying to the customs and HM revenue. You get a CHIEF location and role after application.

You have to give your company’s economic operator registration number that is valid if you want to access the NES fully.

What Do I Need To Gain Access To The National Export System?

You have to submit the following information before accessing the National Export System:

An EORI Number

An EORI number identifies you as an operator and is valid when exporting goods within Europe.

You need to quote this number to identify you as an operator when filing your customs declaration. It is also vital when filing your summary declaration.

The central customs authority is responsible for issuing this number.

A CHIEF Badge Role

The use of a CHIEF role is vital if you are using your freight forwarder. A CHIEF badge role is available in two different types.

That is a direct trader input (DTI) badge. You need this if you are exporting controlled goods.

The DTI is available either as a simplified frontier declaration and supplementary declaration. The other type is an email badge.

This is necessary if you are submitting a supplementary declaration. You have to submit the following to activate your DTI badge:

  • An EORI with a number starting with GB
  • The name of your business and address
  • A community system provider is responsible for issuing your badge
  • the number of your DTI badge.

The following are vital in activating your email badge:

  • An EORI number starting with GB
  • Business name and address
  • an email address for use on the email badge

How Do I Obtain An EORI Number For NES Export Registration?

You can obtain the EORI number by checking with the customs authorities and registering your company’s name. You also have to submit a valid proof of address of your company and contact information.

You get the number once you pay the necessary fees.

How Do I Gain Access To CHIEF?

Two distinctive ways allow you to access CHIEF, either directly or indirectly. If you are accessing it indirectly, you have to do so through a software provider or a community systems provider.

You may access it by using an HMR web portal. The direct procedure allows you to submit your declaration using the web, email, or an XML.

Before using the direct route, you must have an Economic Operator Registration and Identification number (EORI). It would help if you also had a CHIEF badge. However, you need not apply if you are using a freight forwarder.

Each of these procedures has its requirement. You, therefore, need to check before you engage one for your use.

For instance, if you opt for a direct application, you need a Government Gateway User ID and a password. If it is your first time or you don’t have this ID, you must register before proceeding.

An email application also requires you to have a CHIEF-compatible software package and an SMTP email connection. Likewise, an XML declaration requires you to have a CHIEF-compatible software package and an HTTPS internet connection.

This is because an HTTPS connection is secure compared to an HTTP connection.

If you choose the indirect channel of filing your declaration, you need an email address, a telephone number, and a business name.

How Do I Declare Exports Under NES?

Export declaration under NES entails selecting one of the following channels:

Standard Full Pre-entry Method

When using this method, you or your forwarding agent must fill a full pre-shipment declaration form. You can achieve this by selecting one of the two ways available.

You fill it electronically through CHIEF or by manually completing the Single Administrative Document (SAD) form. However, you need to note that the manual filing process takes longer compared to an electronic process.

Simplified Declaration Method

You need to be an authorized agent or dealer if you opt to use the simplified declaration method. There are two critical things you need to have for this process to be a success.

There is the abbreviate version of your reshipment advice before export (PSA advice). You also need to have a list of all the supplementary declarations.

You have to submit the latter within 14 days shipment period.

Local Clearance Method

The use of this method is only possible if you are an authorized agent or trader. This method allows for your export declaration from an authorized inland premise.

The first step in this method is to notify your customs authority of your shipment. This is by accessing the CHIEF.

When the customs permit you, you have to remove your gods from your LCP premises. The goods arrive at your port of origin in the UK from where shipping takes place.

You have to submit a full supplementary declaration within 14 days of shipping your goods when using this method.

What Information Should I Include In My NES Export Declaration?

You have to include different information on your NES export declaration before submission. The information you include should be true and explain the details of your cargo.

Such information includes your details as an exporter. As an exporter, you need to indicate your name, address, and telephone number if they want to reach you.

Another information is the consignee details. That is their name, address, and country of origin. You also have to include their telephone contact in case they want to reach them.

The details of the goods are also a vital submission. These details include the type of cargo you are exporting, the quantity, and their final destination point.

You also have to include the packaging material and nature of the goods. Don’t forget to include the value of these goods when submitting these details.

Indicating the origin of the goods for export is also a critical aspect of submission. Origin involves indicating the address and name of the manufacturer.

A commodity code and your license as an exporter are also necessary during submission.

How Can I Submit Export Declarations If CHIEF Is Unavailable?

If CHIEF is unavailable, there are fallback procedures that you can use to submit your export declaration. The submission processes of these fallback plans are usually manual.

The fallback plans are in two categories, that is:

Short Term

This plan is suitable when the system is unavailable for 24 hours. The advantage of this process is it allows for clearance of your goods.

However, you have to key this information later in the system to allow for synchronization.


This procedure is of use if the system is unavailable for more than 24 hours. In addition, this procedure allows for the clearance of your goods.

You don’t have to key the information later in the system.

An HMRC usually invokes fallback plans if the system is unavailable for more than 12 working hours.

What Is The Difference Between CDS And CHIEF?

The major difference between CDS and CHIEF is that CHIEF replaces the CDS as exporting goods from the UK.  This allows for exporters to access the services they previously accessed in CDS and facilitate faster goods declaration.

Does NES Export Apply To Exports Within The EU?

No. NES export does not apply to goods that you are exporting within the EU.

This is because these goods do not require any declaration since they enjoy free goods’ movement. You, therefore, do not need to apply for an EORI number and subsequent logging on to the CHIEF for ES declaration.

However, you have to go through the normal customs clearance process.

You also have to avoid exporting prohibited or restricted goods in such an arrangement to avoid getting into trouble with the customs.

Which Documents Do I Need To Export Goods From The UK?

The essence of having all the documents before exporting your goods from the UK is to facilitate the customs clearance process. There are different documents you need depending on the type of goods you are exporting.

The mandatory documents you need include:

Bill Of Lading/ Airway Bill

This document indicates the means you are using to export your goods from the UK. It consists of information like the type and quantity of the goods.

It is one of the documents that the customs use to calculate the customs duties.

Export License

An export license is a permission for you to export your goods from the UK.

If you don’t have an export license, you have to engage the services of a licensed freight forwarder.

You can obtain this license from the customs authorities.

Certificate Of Origin

A certificate of origin is a document that indicates that the goods you are exporting originates from the UK. You must submit this document since it helps the customs authorities analyze UK trade volumes.

Packing List

This is a document that indicates the goods you are exporting from the UK and their quantity. It also shows the cost of each of the goods.

The customs authorities use this document to calculate the duties to pay before you export.

Commercial Invoice

A commercial invoice is an alternative to the packing list since it serves the same function. It declares the type, nature, and value of the goods you are exporting.

Insurance Policy

The function of an insurance policy is to protect your goods against damages or loss during the shipping period. Therefore, you need to have one since it helps in reducing the loss in case of risks happening.

Different risks can occur during the shipping process. You, therefore, have different insurance policies depending on the type of goods you are exporting.

What Are Geo-Nomenclature Codes And How Are They Used In UK Export?

These refer to an arrangement of codes representing countries. They are useful in helping the UK customs authorities to analyze their trading with other countries.

The system also helps in analyzing trade discounts with other countries.

What Is A Duty Deferment Account?

This type of account allows you to pay once per month using direct debit rather than paying for each cargo. This is an account that you should have if you are an exporter or a freight forwarder.

The advantage of this account is it allows you to have a substantive cash flow and saves you on operating costs. This reduces some of the costs associated with customs clearance, such as taxes and customs duties.

You must have a guarantee before applying for a duty deferment account. The guarantee should be sufficient enough to cover the two-month liability of your business.

The best guarantee that you can have and which works in most of these cases is your commercial bank. However, this depends on the regulations of such a bank.

Do I Need A Deferment Account?

You need a deferment account if you are an exporter of goods from the UK. It helps defer payment of your exercise duty and other charges for a given period, usually a month.

Before application this account, you need to submit several aspects of your business. These aspects include the EORI number of your business, a registered company number, and an address valid on your EORI number.

If applicable, you also have to submit the VAT number, company official and director’s details, and the debt estimation.

What Is A Deferment Fee?

A deferment fee is that payment you pay later as per the agreement you have with your customs authorities. This allows you to export your goods without having to worry about these payments.

Deferment fees can be in the form of exercise duties and taxes due to the customs authorities. However, to have a deferment fee, you need a guarantee which, in most cases, your commercial bank.

What Does It Mean To Be An Authorized Economic Operator In The UK?

An authorized economic operator allows you to trade easily with other countries outside the EU. This is because you can easily declare your goods in the CHIEF system.

Are There Restrictions On The Movement Of Some Goods Out Of The UK?

Yes. There are restrictions on the movement of certain goods from the UK. This means for you to export these goods, you need a special license.

Such goods include certain medicines, machinery, drugs, asbestos animal fur, explosives, and animal-related products.

What Kind Of Goods Receive Priority When Being Exported From The UK?

Perishable goods are the only ones that receive priority when exporting from the UK. All other goods have the same treatment on a first-come, first-serve basis.

What Is The Purpose Of ECS In UK Export Control?

ECS helps harmonize procedures and offer protection to the goods you are exporting from the UK. You need to use your ECS with the CHIEF during the NES declaration.

The ECS helps the customs authorities to identify and label the goods you ate importing from the US.

Can I Exports Goods From Locations Not Linked In The UK Export System?

Yes. You can export your goods from locations that are not in the UK export system. However, there are certain factors to consider with the use of this method.

For instance, you have to declare these gods in three forms. That is, form C1601 which indicates the arrival of the goods for export.

You also have form C130EX, which permits you to progress with your exportation process. This includes customs clearance and paying for the customs duties. The final form is C888 which helps with the manual declaration of your cargo.

A manual declaration is only useful if the electronic system is not available. However, the HMR is responsible for keying the manual declaration back into the system when it becomes available.

After customs clearance, the authorities issue you with a stamped form C13EX to give to your loader. You have to return this document to customs when the loading is complete.

Does The Use Of NES Apply When Exporting Goods Under Special Procedures (SP)?

Yes. NES applies when you are exporting goods under special procedures. This is because NES helps in tracking these goods during the shipping process.

Special procedure goods are those which allow for favorable exporting prices. For instance, you can suspend the payment of TAX and duties under this procedure.

You can either use the full or simplified declaration to declare special procedure goods.

Can I Use NES To Make CAP Refund Claims?

Yes. You can use NES to make CAP refund claims.

For this to happen, the goods you are exporting should leave the UK within 560 days after declaration on the NES. The customs may also require you to have a valid CAP license.

Depending on the initial agreement, you can make the claims yourself or ask your agent to do so. You must provide the right information when making a refund claim to avoid suspicions.

For all your questions and inquiry about import and export business, Tj chinafreight is here to help.

Contact us now for all your freight forwarding services.