A manufacturing certificate is a notarized or certified document that certifies that the goods ordered were manufactured by the manufacturer and are exclusively at the buyer's risk and responsibility. Suppliers of finished products use this certification to show if any changes have been made to a specified recipe or process. The revision date needs to match the date on the master file to be valid.
How to use the manufacturing certificate?
The certificate of manufacture issued by the manufacturer must be on company letterhead and include the following information. The certificate should have:
- Manufacturer's name
- Product name
- Batch number
- Item Number
- Revision code
- Revision date
- Certificates in support of claims of lack of product modification
- The name of the quality control manager performing the certification
- Signature of the above quality control manager
- Date signed
- Import Approval Certificate
Manufacturing Certification
Whether someone works in a manufacturing environment or is considering a career in the field, there are many different options available for certification. General manufacturing certification is not available, instead, manufacturing certification usually falls into one of two categories. The first includes an industry-related diploma or certificate. This is given after someone has undergone detailed work experience and training in a specific industry, such as an electrician or a tool and die maker.
The other category relates to specific aspects of the wider industry. Every company that produces goods falls into this category. The training will cover details of specific parts of this process. Jobs such as logistics, quality certification, safety and health training, and engineering technicians can be found here.